Comedian and actor Kevin Hart to withdraw from the prestigious role as host of the academy awards next year.

He pulls out due to protests over a number of his previous statements on Twitter, as the critics call homophobic.

It informs the he on Twitter early Friday morning, Danish time.

– I have decided to resign as host of this year’s oscaruddeling (to be held in 2019, ed.). For I will not be a distraction on a night that will celebrate so many amazing talented artists, he writes.

It is just two days ago, it was announced that Kevin Hart would be one of just a handful of black american oscarværter, who has guided the show over the last 90 years.

the Choice of him has fallen at a time when the academy, which awards, are under pressure to increase the diversity in the show.

But after the announcement he is, among other things, been criticised for in the 2010 to have said: “If I can prevent my son being gay, so I’ll do it”. It writes the news agency AP.

Friday morning, apologise for the Kevin Hart to them, he has encountered with his earlier comments.

‘I apologize deeply for the LGBT community for my insensitive words, in the past,’ he writes on Twitter.

– I am sorry that I have hurt people. I develop myself and will continue to develop me. My goal is to bring people together, not to separate us apart. Love to the academy. I hope we meet again.

The 39-year-old actor and comedian is among other things known from the films “Scary Movie” and “The 40 Year Old Virgin” and the latest “Night School” and “Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle”.

the academy awards finds the next year place 24. February. The nominees will be published 22. January.

It is far from the first time that the comedian has made unfortunate noticed. Previously he has also chosen to interrupt an interview and it is with the word ‘fuck’, which in no way is stuerent in the UNITED states.

Also, after the episode he had with undskyldningsvisen.