“Spring in the south – ishalka and blown in the north,”

“Large parts of the country has a slippery Friday to wait.”

“But in the south it is the winter end of the year. Where is it our since Thursday.”

“After a cold night in the whole country it is time to take it easy on the roads, and expect that it may be slippery. In the north, warns Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute for ishalka and in the southernmost parts of the country can cold air cause problems. At the same time, the spring has come to Sweden’s most southern parts.”

“During the day the temperature rises, but in the morning, in almost the entire country below freezing, with possible exceptions in coastal areas.”

“the Afternoon looks to be slightly warmer.”

“– In the Region, it may become warm. Northern Svealand and up receive general degrees below zero, ” says Anette Levin, a meteorologist at SMHI.”

“A comming, will check over the jämtland mountains and moves eastwards during the day. Rainfall affecting the major part of Norrland and is expected to continue throughout the day.”

“– There is a front that passes by during the day. Behind the front, milder air with rain and sleet, which can lead to ishalka in the whole of Norrland, except Gävleborg, says Max Lindberg Stoltz, a meteorologist at SMHI.”

“The sportlovsfirare who want to enjoy the mountains and the skiing must make sure to dress properly and keep in the hat.”

“– It will be windy, but not enough that we should issue warnings, says Anette Levin points out at the same time to the wind in the Mountains is getting worse.”

“– It is mainly Mountains, which will suffer from the heavy wind during the day. Especially the valleys will be highly vulnerable, where the wind can reach up to 20 metres per second, ” says Max Lindberg Stoltz.”

“Parts of the south west of Sweden have now received the meterologisk our. And in some parts it was never winter.”

” Parts of Skåne, the closest to the coast, went straight from autumn to spring, says Max Lindberg Stoltz.”