“Over four million in the Öresund region”
“the Population in the Öresund region is growing. Now the population is up over four million, shows a report from the Øresundsinstituttet. The last ten years, they have become 300 000 more.”
“In many municipalities, continues population to increase. On the Danish side are, however, both the municipalities that grows the most, and the municipalities that are shrinking.”
“the Danish Region Hovedstaden had at the end of the year more than 1.8 million inhabitants and the Region of Zealand more than 830 000 – an increase of 0.7 per cent and 0.2 per cent compared with the same time last year. For Köpenhamnområdets part is operated, the figure mainly by the excess of births and immigration.”
“On the Swedish side, the increase mainly on the immigration, but also the excess of births and migration. At the end of the year, Region Skåne’s population of just over 1.3 million residents, an increase of 1.3 per cent in a year. The largest population growth in percent, over two percent, occurred in the pendlingskommuner that Svedala, Staffanstorp and Lomma.”
“Malmö grew by 1.7 per cent in 2018.”