they are the nomads of the Modern age, dragging from early to late. Usually under enormous time pressure, often in indecent conditions: the speech is providers of Package. “Mafia-like structures” accuses Verdi chief Frank Bsirske in the industry, and calls on the policy to be effective, measures against the starvation wages can think of. However, as the appearance can? The minimum wage is regulated by law, bogus self-employment is prohibited. And yet, we suspect consumers, the conditions under which people work, the ringing at our doors and the book or the shoes. So we need even more laws, more bans? Probably this is of little. Effective it would be if, for example, commercial offices to look in more detail how companies from EU-countries allow for the provision of services. Or if social insurance and customs controlled in compliance with applicable Law. The largest contribution in the fight against exploitation but can the industry itself. By setting binding Standards for the award of contracts to subcontractors and their compliance with respects.