Up to 100 kampklædte officers from the bl.a. The Police beat shortly after noon. 17 ring on the right-wing provocateur Rasmus Paludan, who gave yet another demonstration – now on the border between Lyngby and Bagsværd in The Poiltikreds.

Photo credit: Jonas Olufson

– A bunch of cops ran towards a big bunch of counter-demonstrators who approached. They fired the fireworks. The police were ready with tåregaspistoler. They was so ready for battle, tells Extra the Magazine’s correspondent.

– the Police works very well. Officers with helmets and visor. There were really signs of trouble. Paludan, however, has just informed that he by north Zealand Police have been banned from demonstrating in also Zealand Police.

firm-redecorate was at. 17.37 evacuated from the site by the police.

Photo credit: Jonas Olufson

– Actually, he was about to leave the site in his own car, but the police indicated that he should be carried away by the police. It should happen by an alternate route, and it happened in a civilian car with tinted routes, assisted by a four-or five plainclothes cops, tells Ekstra employee.

His attempt to leave the site in its own Audi was stopped by the police indsatsleder, who got the keys to paludan’s car, which is presumably now being driven away by the police.

Paludan be evacuated away in a civil politivogn with tinted windows. Photo: Jonas Olufson

At. 17.41 is relatively quiet in the area. The police is also about to leave the site.

the Demonstration, where the City and among other things threw with the qur’an, took place In the north of copenhagen, because Copenhagen Police have notified him that he to 23. april has the prohibition to demonstrate in the Copenhagen Police district.

the Rasmus Paludan has a short while ago disclosed to Ekstra Bladet, that he the whole day has been on a police station.

– He did not want to elaborate on why, but he told that it is due to the perception of threat towards him has changed, says Ekstra employee.

the Rasmus Paludan had announced that he would hold a demonstration on Tuesday afternoon at Blågårds Plads in Copenhagen.

But this he was not allowed to by the Copenhagen Police, who cancelled the demonstration.

so did The Police, as the City announced a demonstration on the Emblasgade on Østerbro in Copenhagen, and which should be started at. 13.

Therefore, advancing Rasmus Paludan to the north of Zealand, where he demonstrated in Lyngby, where he until a short time ago had not the ban.

Policy – 16. apr. 2019 – at. 16:10 Paludan after the new demoforbud: – the Police are some fucking møgsvin

Photo credit: Jonas Olufson

Updating …

Photo: Button/Byrd

on Monday evening there was trouble in Albertslund after a cancelled Paludan-demo. Five Paludan-opponents were arrested for the riots. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix