Only a formality separates now Rasmus paludan’s extremist and highly islamkritiske party firm from being set up for the upcoming election.

It requires a continued, to City and even notify the ministry of the Interior, that his party will put up.

And it’s going to happen in the evening, says Rasmus Paludan now in an interview with Ekstra Bladet:

– I think, I review here in the evening. Since we will probably have reached approx. 22.000 vælgererklæringer. And then we will have approx. 2000 extra in addition to what we should use, says Rasmus Paludan, who would like to thank the over 20,000 danes who have contributed to the controversial party enough vælgererklæringer:

– I am very humble and grateful for the danes, who have chosen to give the firm their vælgererklæring, so we can run for Parliament. I also hope they will give us our voice. It will mean that we can now begin our work in order to keep Denmark for the danes.

Community – 27. apr. 2019 – at. 14:19 Security: Ban Paludan-demo

the Article continues under the picture …

– How explains to you the speed it is happening with?

– I am sure that it is due to the many danes have got the eyes up for that Tight Course and Rasmus Paludan offers a clear and well-defined solution to the many problems that unwanted immigration has caused violence, rape, and murder in a away against innocent danes, who otherwise will live in peace and harmony with each other.

– But you’ve got several warnings from the ministry of the Interior, because you have bypassed the rules wrt. vælgererklæringer. Why have you not aligned?

– It is not at all true. The applicable law is that you can do as Klaus Riskær, and his vælgererklæringer was completely approved. It makes it to the applicable law.

– But have bypassed the eftertænksomhedsperiode of seven days, which is the rule. Why have you not aligned?

– well, we have made sure to make the same solution as Riskær, where you can give a vælgererklæringen with the same. It is okay to do it. Therefore we have made it.

the Article continues under the picture …

Photo: Anthon Unger

– How will you campaign?

– Well, I must rein in and master my contempt for the politicians who have led the country into the deep crisis which the nation faces. I will do my utmost to see it doesn’t shine through too much. For it can not use to so much. But I feel quite clear that many danes backs up, because they share my fatigue that today’s political, so-called leaders have led the nation into a deep crisis, where we have been taken over by foreign enemies that want to kill and degrade the danes.

– But you will continue practicing your happenings with korankast and the burning of the korans?

– You can say that the election campaign will probably mainly be vælgermøder. But there are three places, we will need to demonstrate. It’s Blågårds Plads, Alberta and Værebroparken in Bagsværd, for which we have until now not been allowed to demonstrate. But otherwise, we adjust the us the rules are there, where we are guests. Just as we require that those who come to our country, adapt to the Danish rules. But I can’t stand and pretend I have deep respect for politicians and journalists, when I don’t have it.

the Danish policy – 27. apr. 2019 – at. 11:44 After the Paludan-bomb: – Now, it becomes a freak-choice

the Article continues under the picture …

Photo: Emma Sejersen

– But will you throw with the quran?

– In relation to the korankast then there is always the need for the exercise. So I’ll probably keep the possibility to do sport in the open air.

– you Will take the korans on national tv?

– I don’t know. It can also be, we now have shown enough times that one is allowed to desecrate the Koran. I have no specific plans. But it is clear that if it is a tv program, where you do not take props with, so I take neither the props with.

– Who ascribe to you the glory that you have given so many statements in so short a time?

– It is a combination. The direct triggering factor, is that I myself and Ronnie maintained that we would demonstrate the d. 14. april. The honor must be attributed to me and Ronnie. But there were some subsequent actors were contributing factors. And there was the criminal samfundstabere in Nørrebro and the press of the contributing factors.