First, Panda-male Jiao Qing (8) wanted to know nothing of Panda-lady Meng Meng (5). You squealed like a pig, to show the males: If pairing – now is the time. Because the Panda-females can only be fertilised once in the year within 24 to 72 hours. But first of all, it wasn’t to the point. On the significant advances of the dominant Meng Meng ruled Jiao Qing, only cautious.

On Friday Jiao Qing has the lock calls then answered. Seven Times they’ve paired up Saturday. To be sure, and in order to increase the chances of offspring, has been Meng Meng inseminated after that, but still artificial. The Berlin Zoo announced on Monday.

For the safety of the two behind-the-Scenes of the Panda Garden in the Zoo. “The two are inexperienced in terms of reproduction. Meng Meng clearly showed interest in the Panda-man. Also Jiao Qing was ready,“ said Zoological Director, Dr. Ragnar Kuehne, from the first Date of the two.

Panda-female Meng Meng.Photo: © 2019 Zoo Berlin

For 20 minutes, the two Pandas have been left on the Friday and Saturday to each other, it said. Two specifically from China travelled reproduction experts accompanied everything. That the two Pandas “done it”, or at least have tried, is evidenced on photos. According to the Zoo, the 110-kilogram Jiao Qing is in contact with the mating-ready gone, Meng Meng. It was, however, not possible to determine whether the mating was successful.

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order your Free copy of Panda-male Jiao Qing photo: © 2019 Zoo Berlin

to be sure, and in order to increase the probability that Meng Meng will become pregnant, and have helped the experts at the Zoos. Finally, Pandas are threatened with extinction. It was, therefore, undertaken in accordance with the act a artificial insemination.

With this electro-Ejaculator have been taken from Jiao Qing seeds.Photo: © 2019 Zoo Berlin

With an electric-Ejakulator were able to Jiao Qing sperm won, and then when Meng Meng will be introduced. Both Pandas were anesthetized for a short time. “Even if an artificial insemination, for us, a routine procedure is, the Insemination of a Panda is something Special for us too. The engagement of the two Pandas have survived well,“ said the reproduction expert Thomas Hildebrandt from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and wildlife research (IZW).

zookeeper Nico Heydemann (left), Panda-Team-area Manager Norbert Zahmel and the animal keepers of the Corvin Schmohl.jpgFoto: © 2019 Zoo Berlin

indicates Whether the insemination worked, and Meng Meng is pregnant, at the earliest starting in June during an ultrasound examination. And if it is, then, to the extent that, according to the zoo, one to three hairless hamsters young animals after about 155 days to the world. The young animals are, as a rule, usually about 80 to 200 grams, which is about one-thousandth of the weight of the mothers.

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Panda mating at the Berlin Zoo He’s not in the mood

Nora Tschepe-Wiesinger