The wall Park is a cultural location. For this purpose, the land use plan should be changed. The Pankow district Council demanded on Wednesday by a decision of the district office, for the Senate Department for urban development and Housing. Thus, the cultural use of the world-famous Park is to be secured in the former border strip, for the district of Pankow, is responsible.

In the land use plan for the green system in the past, the use of “Park” and “Sport”. Additional to the identification of “culture” examined. “The wall Park is no ordinary Park, but internationally known,” said Pankow, SPD Faction leader Roland Schröder. “In particular, the Karaoke is for many years the flagship of the district.”

The BVV Pankow called the district office in addition to that, the Karaoke as in previous years, a special permit from Easter 2019 for a minimum of 30 Sundays. Nothing more, according to district councillor classed Kuhn (B’90/Grüne) in the way.

the streets – and the parks Department had failed the Karaoke in the meantime, the approval, because the adjacent shafts of the water company site would pose a threat to the visitors. After an on-site inspection, Kuhn withdrew this assessment – no objections. Kuhn: “It’s hazards, although by eight to nine meters deep shafts. To be secured with fences and nets.“ However, it must also agree to the Pankower, the environmental office of the city Council Daniel Kruger (independent/for AfD). The for the 3. April, a hearing of local residents to noise and safety issues recognised. Recently had increased complaints about nightly disturbances of the peace, and loud music.

daily mirror people

for Free order

neighborhood initiative noise

BVV complained of the decision also calls for the Karaoke of “no longer needs to be annually applied for, but over a longer period is approved”. The BVV for three years, i.e., up to and including 2021.

the hustle and Bustle of the Park will be a struggle for some time. How different the interests are, saw you on Wednesday on the BVV. There, Jean-Marc Lebon of the neighborhood initiative, wall Park, the calls for calm, in particular, of the road music.

The Initiative “Save wall Park”, by contrast, defended the “unique Park”. They need to develop the “culture to a sustainable Form”. The Initiative “constructive solution approaches”, among other things, a noise protection wall, to residents to protect against the disorder by street musicians.

This wall is to be curved, Cup-shaped, and according to the proposal along the Pflasterwegs (Schwedter Straße), the music drifting in the direction of the stadium the slope. The sound will be so directed “specifically to the audience (reflected), and later on in the direction of the slope, where it is reflected to the top and go to Nothing”. By bundling in a direction of the reciprocal acoustic Overlap was “low”. The musicians were also even louder true, hear better and play quieter (the”rebound effect”).

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Berlin-Pankow First Mauerpark-Karaoke Easter planned

Christian Hönicke

In the conflict to the Berlin wall Park “manifests itself more than the dispute to a green area,” said mayor Sören Benn (Left).”It’s about the growth of the city, the loss of the open spaces, the overuse of the verb to love surfaces and the Approach to the residential development. These conflicts are at the wall Park with the magnifying glass visible.“ The wall Park breathe like no other place in Pankow freedom. However, freedom means also responsibility. “There is not the One that’s right. The wall Park is not owned by anyone – and at the same time for all of us.“