Australia’s Prime Minister Morrison has announced that the country on the 18. May Parliament elections. He has held his office only since last August, it could lose according to the polls, however, now and again.

Australia chooses at 18. In may a new Parliament. The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announced. He currently leads a right-liberal minority government.

In Australia are around entitled to 16 million people voting. Voting is mandatory. Anyone who fails to vote must pay a fine. In the house of representatives of 151 seats will be awarded, one more than in the last election. The government is formed by the party that can bring a majority of at least 76 Seats together.

The liberal-conservative party of Prime Morrison is back in the polls behind the socialist Opposition. The liberal-conservative party was overthrown last summer, their own Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. With the farewell from the Parliament, the government lost the majority.