“Participated in the genocide in Rwanda gets new chance”

“They participated in the genocide in Rwanda and the massacre of over 800 000 people. Then, they continued to fight abroad. Now has thousands of the former gerillakrigarna returned to their home country.”

“Here, they get education and money in a project that is supposed to lead to rehabilitation in a country whose government they once wanted to overthrow.”

“A collection of former militiamen strolling around below the Virungabergens volcanoes are cloaked in mist.”

“They are some of the thousands of men who participated in the genocide in the spring of 1994 and then took refuge in the neighboring country of Congo-Kinshasa.”

“Some of them have been members of the rwandan army. Others joined the Interahamwe, the militia, consisting of allow for the full implementation hutus with clubs and macheteknivar attacked the tutsis, the who also represented the country’s elite, and hutus who were seen as collaborators.”

“When milismännen and armésoldaterna were chased out of Rwanda after the genocide created the modern times, known as the FDLR.”

“But after 25 years in the Congo-Kinshasa forests, the many exhausted and ready to give up. A dense stream of rebels have over the years returned to their home country. They have been housed in Mutobo, a camp ten miles northwest of the capital, Kigali. This seeks to re-integrate them into society.”

“Joseph Kabalindwi, a 50-year-old former rebel leader, said that he laid down the arms in 2014, and that he is happy to be back.”

“– Rwanda is my country and I wanted to go home, ” he says.”

“There are no fences around the camp, but a watchful eye kept on the former rebels.”

“the Camp is run by a disarmament and integreringskommission on behalf of the government and has managed 11 000 combatants from the rebel forces since 1997.”

“the Methodology is similar to that used in other countries, such as Mali, where the attempt at reconciliation after bloody conflicts.”

“the Men spend three months here before they return to their families and the homes they left decades earlier. They receive identity documents and a one-time payment on 60 000 rwandan francs (less than 600 sek) to be able to start their new life.”

“to be Trained for normal life.”

“In Mutobo, they may also be a kind of civic education that is said to combat the murderous ideology which led to genocide. The former gerillakrigarna get lessons in how they can participate in the reconstruction and development of the country and trained to go back to a normal civilian life.”

“When Joseph Kabalindwi and his friends returned to Rwanda, many believed that they would be killed. The response was a surprise.”

“– Then we came here, the fear slowly subsided, ” he says.”

“For many the FDLR-warrior, it is, above all, the distrust against the government that prevents them from returning – as well as the fear of being asked to account for his crimes.”

“Focus Twiringiyimana, a 47-year-old former FDLR fighters, make a note of carefully sitting next to a sewing machine while the teacher is giving instructions on a blackboard.”

“Twiringiyimana have returned to the camp to train to be a tailor.”

“To their old friends who are still in battles, he has a single message.”

“– They should come back.”

“It is not just the FDLR members in the camp. Bernard Ntuyahaga, a former major in the army, is one of the newcomers. He came to the camp in december from Belgium, where he served a 20-year-long prison sentence.”

“He was sentenced for his involvement in the mass murder of ten belgian soldiers from the UN peacekeeping force. The UN-soldiers were killed in 1994, when they were trying to protect Rwanda’s prime minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana, who also was murdered.”

“Bernard Ntuyahaga, who is approaching 70 years of age, came back to Rwanda against their will after having exhausted all legal possibilities to stay in Belgium.”

“– It has only been a few months but I feel comfortable already, ” he says.”

“In his voice is sometimes heard an echo of authority. It is impossible to know if he means what he says or if it’s just well-chosen words to criticise the government.”

“I am hopeful for the years I have left to live,” he says.”

“an Estimated 800 000 people were killed during the genocide in Rwanda in the spring of 1994. It was headed by extremnationalister from allow for the full implementation hutu.”

“most of The victims were the tutsis, but also hutus who were seen as collaborators were murdered.”

“the Genocide was carefully planned, but the trigger was the shooting down on 6 april – unclear by whom – of the aircraft then hutupresidenten Habyarimana and his burundiske colleague, Cyprien Ntaryamira were travelling in.”

“Habyarimana had signed a peace treaty with the tutsigerillan FPR, which some saw as a betrayal.”

“After the 100-day killing plunged FPR folkmordsregimen and control than in the day. The former gerillaledaren Paul Kagame is still the country’s president.”

“That hundreds of thousands of people are estimated to have participated in the killing has brought great challenges. In International Rwandatribunalen (ICTR ), which was created after the genocide has a smaller number of the maximum responsible convicted. The government of rwanda introduced at the same time a comprehensive system of local folkdomstolar – the so-called gacaca, where terrorist suspects have been tried and punishment meted out on a massive scale.”

“Source: the institute of Foreign affairs with multiple”

“Rwanda is as large as sweden and has almost 13 million inhabitants. The country is located in eastern central Africa and the capital is Kigali. Rwanda is now regarded as one of the continent’s most stable countries.”

“The three largest ethnic groups are the hutu, tutsi and twa. Hutu is usually estimated to be around 85 per cent of the total population, and the tutsis about 10%.”

“Rwanda was for many years a poor agricultural country and the industry was hampered by its isolated location and overpopulation.”

“During the first half of the 1990s, devastated the war and genocide the country. The economy has developed well during the 2000s, thanks to major financial support from the outside world and political work in order to reduce corruption and to encourage entrepreneurship.”

“On the paper is Rwanda a democracy with a multiparty system. In reality, the country has in recent decades become increasingly authoritarian, and it is difficult to conduct any kind of opposition.”

“Sources: Encyclopedia, Landguidenu002FUI”