The parties in the left-green spectrum, and in the middle to support the indirect counter-proposal, which provides for a two-week paternity leave, as they took in their comments in the context of the consultation informed.

The road through an indirect counter-proposal is for the SP to make sense, because of the paternity leave is written directly into the law. So could be implemented without detours, a first concrete step on the way to the equal rights of men and women in family work and gainful employment in the act.


In the case of the Greens and the SP, the Initiative required four weeks of a “minimalist compromise” and “symbolic politics”. For the Swiss trade Union Federation (SGB), the two weeks “at most a consolation,” because they were “far from sufficient”.

Green how SP and the trade unions are calling for a paternity leave of at least eight weeks with a subsequent Parental leave of 28 weeks, during which young parents can divide the first weeks with the young according to their own ideas. In addition, the Greens have been calling for a General power to make regulations, which are today’s very diverse definition of “Family”.

Minimalist but realistic

Also, the EPP supports the further requirement of the Initiative “For a reasonable paternity leave – for the Benefit of the whole family” after four weeks of paternity leave.

The BDP considers that, in principle, the Parental leave as a better solution, as this constitutes a more flexible and more modern measure for reconciliation of work and family. Such a solution was not, however, at the Moment, a majority. Therefore, the party supports the indirect counter-proposal.

This is for the social works for portable use and a burden to the economy, only a relatively small mass. The annual cost is estimated at around 220 million Swiss francs, which covered a slight increase in the percentage of salary and the income replacement scheme would be financed. Four weeks of paternity leave, according to the Initiative would cost around 420 million per year.

Also, for the CVP, from whose ranks the proposal for a two-week paternity leave, comes, speaks, in its consultation response of a “mass compromise”, come to the families for the benefit of, and at the same time on smaller farms and SMEs financially and organizationally consideration take.

“a step in the right direction,” speak in their consultation response, the green liberals. A two-week paternity leave, however, would be only an intermediate step on the way to the desired destination, a Parental leave of 14 weeks for both parents.

amenities through the redistribution

A more “state mandatory leave requirement” is an unnecessary burden for SMEs, established, meanwhile, the SVP their opposition to both the Initiative as well as to the counter-proposal. The idea of a welfare state is “to enable the redistribution of individual amenities”.

small and medium-sized companies find their employees already social partnership solutions, so that they could enjoy their fresh parents happiness in accordance with their professional obligations.


be saved Into the same Horn of the Swiss employers Association (SAV) and trade Association (SGV), which is poking reject both the Initiative and indirect counter-proposal. As long as the pensions were not secured, should be treated in the legal anchoring of a paternity leave, not prioritized, writes of the employers ‘ Association. The labour factor will become more expensive anyway due to demographic changes massively in the next few years.

It was not against paternity leave per se. Operational solutions, however, be preferable to a statutory solution, the SAV. Around 90 per cent of businesses in Switzerland, employees with less than ten employees. For these farms, the absence of an employee has a heavy weight always and a burden to the Team. The organisational implementation is a major challenge.

no final opinion had made itself FDP up on Friday. As the only party she has asked for a delay for your reply. The party Executive wants to deal on Monday with the question. Of the FDP is likely to depend on whether the indirect counter proposal with a two-week paternity leave, a majority in Parliament. She was put in the Commission with its proposal, a 16-week parental leave. (Dec/sda)

Created: 01.03.2019, 14:39 PM