“Patients in the emergency room in Enköping, sweden – after ebolalarm”

“Stig Norling is locked up in the emergency room: ”No patients may go home””

“Enköping hospital received a suspected case of ebolasmitta.”

“the Patient has been isolated and the emergency department has been closed – with several patients remaining in the premises.”

“– No going out or in, ” says Stig Norling, who is stuck in the emergency room.”

“Stig Norling, 73, went to the emergency room at Enköping hospital, during the Friday. While he waited for his turn to meet a doctor, he lay and rested for a while.”

“When he woke up again, he was told that he would not leave the emergency room – which is closed due to a suspected case of ebolasmitta.”

” I got to know through the media. I was asleep in the hallway, and then I got to know. It was messy here so I asked what was going on, ” says Stig Norling.”

“At 12.44 sent the Uppsala issued a press release about the suspicious ebolafallet. The patient was taken to the Academic hospital in Uppsala, sweden and were isolated and staff who have been in contact with the patient were taken care of. “

“No patients are allowed to go home.”

“the emergency department at Enköping hospital, closed down due to the suspected infection. Patients who intended to seek care in the emergency room are referred to in the first instance to the primary care or the emergency room at the Academic hospital in Uppsala. Also, Västmanland hospital Västerås will be able to assist.”

“No patients were inside at the emergency room have either had to leave the hospital. “

“– No going out or in. No patients may go home, ” says Stig Norling.”

“the Uppsala are now preparing for the necessary measures if it should prove that it is about an actual ebolasmitta.”

“– We draw up lists of everyone who could be exposed, it is what we do now. Then we’ll be aware that this can add. But we are preparing as if this was an infection right now, says Michael Köhler, chief medical officer, Region Uppsala.”

“Köhler also points out that it is unusual for an emergency department closes due to suspected infection.”

“According to the Uppsala expected test results come in the evening. It is unclear how long patients in the emergency department will need to stay behind.”

“– It feels a bit uncomfortable, but it is just like state, ” says Stig Norling.”

“Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten”