They were many to believe the pension reform buried after the crisis of the Covid-19. But the president of the Republic does not wish to entirely give up its reform, which was to be the great act of the quinquennium, and wants to return to the order of the day. Remains to be seen whether the subject will be addressed Sunday evening by Emmanuel Macron during his televised speech.
see also : The cost-boggling the health crisis for France
But already, the social partners were of the view unanimously Thursday morning that this was not the time to raise this issue undermined, while France is facing the most serious economic crisis since the Second world War, at a great meeting organized by the association of journalists of social information (Sjia).
of course, all the unions, who were against the reform, there remain firmly opposed. “The best future of the pension reform, it is the closet”, a short, pithy, François Hommeril (CFE-CGC). “It would be inappropriate to remit the pension reform on the table so that it has many other cats to whip,” says for its part, Yves Veyrier (Force Ouvrière), pointing to the record unemployment rate is expected after the health crisis. Similarly, the CGT, did not budge: for her, this project remains indefensible.
More surprising, even the CFDT, the great defender and promoter of the reform, walking on eggshells. “We are no longer all in the same sketch. I continue to believe that a universal system of pensions is the most fair. I’m not giving up. But this is not the time to start afresh in clashes on this subject at the beginning,” said Laurent Berger.
see also : Pensions: why the reform Macron does not survive the crisis…
As for the employers, it does not appear to wish to re-open scars barely healed, when so many files accumulate. “Before you restart the pension reform, it would have to ask what is the depth of the hole,” responded Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, president of the Medef. And for good reason: with the explosion of unemployment and the fall in receipts of contributions, the deficit of the pension system will fly away and the need for funding, the NRC considered with a lot of optimism at € 12 billion in 2025 before the crisis, will be atomized.
From his side, Alain Griset, president of the U2P, representing traders, artisans and independent, recalled the opposition of the liberal professions, who have continued to refuse the integration of their pension funds autonomous in a vast universal plan.
The editorial team conseilleRetraites: why reform Macron does not survive the crisis…partial Unemployment, PSE, assisted contracts, offers of employment… the impact of the crisis on the labour market is still violentL’dramatic impact of the crisis on the labour market in the 12-digit clésSujetsYves VeyrierFrançois HommerilLaurent BergerGeoffroy Red BézieuxRéforme of retraitesCrise sanitaireChômageDéficit11 commentairesJean L. 3the 11/06/2020 17:36
This will never be the time as long as the Private Sector does not understand that it is made racketter by the Public Service, and special diet and as long as they have the means to block the country.
Trounoirle 11/06/2020 17:34
Big bug related to the crisis for the supplementary schemes…it’s not challenge anyone ?
0ltarievle 11/06/2020 17:13
Among the Gauls, it does not change anything !
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