“Philip Botström: ”We have representatives that passed the best before date a long time ago””
“the SSU proposes a national conversion programme for the S-politicians”
“the Youth league, SSU throws in a brandfackla against Stefan Löfven and party leadership before congress next week.”
“You want to be able to poke the S-politicians who had had their records a long time – by offering help to the new job.”
“the Next weekend, collected the social democrats party congress in Örebro. It takes place against the background of a historically bad election result, substantial väljartapp among workers and in the classic P-mounts, and a heartbreaking regeringsförhandling that landed in stinging compromises.”
“Under the surface bubbling now a greatly discontent – including within the SSU. “
“Chairman Philip Botström does not mince words about how he looks at the challenges facing forwards. “
“Either we wake up and recognize that we are no longer a popular movement in the truest sense of the word and that we have major structural challenges in terms of members’ sense of influence, re-growth, and we reward the old men who had been sitting far too long. Or we die, ” he says.”
“the congress will SSU to arrange a private seminar, which was given the name ”Wake up or die”, which has invited a series of guests, including from Local government who recently went out with that you henceforth draws in partistödet.”
“A question that SSU wants to change is about the inertia in the system which sits on the political förtroendeposterna. “
“the SSU considers that many full-time politician has been their mission for too long, among other things, because it provides a fixed income at the same time as the person in question may lack the formal skills for a similar job outside of politics.”
“in Order to increase the rotation suggest the SSU now that the party is to help politicians to the new job.”
” We have no system for those who have been a full-time politician for a very long time, these old, often elders, who sit still for long and faithful service. So we will in the congress to propose a national transition programs for full-time politician, ” says Botström.”
“With the increased rotation would be young and new politicians faster to be able to reach political offices, according to SSU.”
“– As it is in the day talking all about the ”mad Gunnar has done his, he delivers no energy anymore”, yet he is sitting still because it is a bit sorry for him. It is destructive for a party that is in acute need of the best representatives with the energy to develop the policy and at the same time have a critical need for rejuvenation and renewal.”
“Inspired by the Reformers”
“But the SSU in its kongressförslag also drew inspiration from the newly formed S-movement Reformers, which calls for the internal idédebatt.”
“SSU want the representatives shall agree to develop a new performace institution to the next congress of 2023. You think that the work should be done separately from the partiledning, national executive and parliament, and instead be carried out by the grassroots, however, with the organizational support of central. “
“– with the cooperation With the MP, the C and L and januariavtalet placed higher demands on the entire organization, locally, regionally and nationally, to broaden the idédebatten and develop a more focused social policies beyond the propositions and regeringsöverenskommelser, says Botström.”
“Even in the area of skills supply for the labour market in the future is PROBABLY on the warpath. “
“You think that’s makes a mistake, do not lift into the challenges within primary and secondary schools, in the work, for example, the major differences between the schools.”
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“nHär is the other SSU-draft S-congress”
“• Binding writes that 25 per cent of the representatives in a winnable position should be under 35 years of age. “
“• the Greater the spread of political mission. The same persons shall not sit on too many tasks.”
“• National kandidatförsäkran also for internuppdrag in S, which clearly regulated the values that are in the party and what happens when someone violates the regulations.”