In his may 1 speech complained sp.a-chairman John Crombez that the right-wing political parties have made that people should work for less pension. But is that right?

Crombez says that he was referring to the fact that the federal government is the pension bonus has been abolished. The pension bonus was a perk that employees, civil servants or self-employed with a career of 40 years built up if they are right on working after their 62nd and later the age of 65. At the time that they retire, they get a bonus of around 2 euros per day. In 2014, the government has decided to that system to cease to exist from 2015, by way of funding cuts. The accrued rights will you still be maintained, but new pensioenbonussen building can not be more.

For the avoidance of doubt: those who stay longer impact than the time that he was on (early) retirement may accrue more pension than if he immediately stops. The reverse would be absurd. Who a career of 44 years, and a year longer working get finally 1/44th more pension. The pension bonus, gave a little extra on top, and made working so much more interesting. The reasoning was that those who are retired, however, a year earlier, in the current situation, financial more wins than someone who did a year go. Pensioenexpert Frank Vandenbroucke, called the abolition of the retirement bonus a total illogical decision, especially for a government that people want to keep – something which is also necessary, in order the invoice is due to be able to keep.

has Not decreased

the pensions Are then dropped? That is not, but for this growing group of people who was willing to stay longer, one has a future pensioenverbetering abolished. That is the red wire in different measures in pension policy. No government takes literally a pension. However, in all kinds of – whether or not historically grown conditions tinkered, making people less in the future than originally planned. In addition to the phasing out of the pension bonus, there is also the abolition of the o bonus for diploma for civil servants (covering academic years, which will no longer count as years worked).

And global? The minimum pensions are, as under the previous government, has increased under this government. Also, the average pensions are increased between 2014 and 2018. Which of the workers are increased from 950 euros per month in 2014 to 1.025 euros in 2018: + 74 euro per month. The average pensions of the self-employed increased from 496 euro in 2014 to 536 euros in 2018. According to professor Frank Vandenbroucke are few large explanations, including the fact that women are becoming more career years and the zelfstandigenpensioenen have been erected. A lot has to do built-in mechanisms in our pension system, the government has, however, a strong effort will be made for the self-employed.


People should indeed be able to work longer, and some of them will be for less pension than they do at unchanged policies had been given for this extra effort. To save on future spending and let the government, the pension bonus will fade out. But there are also people who like to go forward. The government increased – just like all governments – the pensions and did so especially for the self-employed is a serious effort.