Just before a young acids on a one way traveled by train from Germany to Denmark, he received a message – he should remember the blades.

the Call came from a fellow countryman with the same first name as the 32-year-old man, who in the Copenhagen city Court is accused of planning a terrorist attack in Copenhagen.

the Explanation from the young to the acid was originally given to the police and was last week confirmed during a hearing in a court room in Germany.

a Prosecutor, a defender and an interpreter had in the last week take to the south, because he did not want to be followed to Copenhagen to witness.

A video recording of questions and answers will appear Monday in district court. The strain on the 32-year-old who refuses is guilty.

In Germany, young people convicted of planning the bursting of bombs and the use of knives in Copenhagen.

Why, he traveled to Copenhagen in november 2016, would specialanklager Sonja Hedegaard know.

It was the planning of an action, a bombeaktion. It was Islamic State that was to assume the blame. There came an order from Syria, from a person I had got to know on Facebook, he said.

– Where?

– in the Middle of Copenhagen, he replied.

A person with the nickname Abu Maria was supposedly behind – and also arranged that the radicalised young people came in connection with the now-accused 32-year-old. The latter had come to Sweden as a refugee and had, according to neighbours, a glowing interest of the Islamic State.

– Whether I called him or whether it was him who called me, I can’t remember, explained to the young people about the contact between the two.

It came able 18. november 2016, which was the day before the young person’s arrival to Rödbyhavn. Passport control and sent him back to Germany. In the backpack was 17.460 matches, fireworks, walkie-talkier and two long knives.

– It should all be mixed together, have the young people said about the planned manufacture of bombs. Walkie-talkierne would serve as detonators.

the Intention was that the two would meet in the ’train station’ in Copenhagen. They should use the password.

What should the knives be used for?

– I don’t know exactly. Maybe for the knife, came the answer from the young people.

The 32-year-old was actually in Copenhagen 19. november, but it was a sheer mistake, he explained.

the Case continues on Friday.