“Political pressure on the rise in terrorstraff”

“Several parties want to increase the penalties further for crimes of terrorism.”

“The sweden democrats also want to that IS-the swedes will be punished retroactively.”

“When the parliament debated the hot issue of the prisoners IS-swedes in Syria, there was no party that wanted to authorities are actively acting to be taken home to Sweden.”

“– Those who traveled down to join the ICE knew what mördarsekt they joined to, said interior minister Mikael Damberg (S).”

“the Government’s line is that an international tribunal should be established on the ground in Syria and Iraq, something which other parties can support.”

“There is also consensus on the fact that Sweden has a responsibility for children to the ICE-swedes. What this responsibility means in practice was not apparent in the debate.”

” Children should never be seen as guilty for what their parents done, said, the ruling party, the Green party representative Rasmus Ling.”

“According to the minister of the interior is the possibility to provide”

“– If there will be a family with children that have Swedish connections, it will be examined very seriously, ” says Damberg to the TT.”

“He would not, however, set out some promise that such families will receive help to get to Sweden.”

“Linda Westerlund Snecker (V) find that Sweden”

“– It’s about 40 Swedish children who are in IS-controlled areas in Syria. There are children who are starving, without access to health care, without education and without any kind of security, ” she says.”

“Convicted for kidnapping.”

“the Christian democrats want the Swedish children who had to travel down to the ICE shall be handled by the Swedish authorities, if they return.”

“– And the parents who brought their children to dödskulten shall be prosecuted for kidnapping or trafficking in human beings in accordance with the laws that exist, ” says Andreas Carlson (KD).”

“so Far no return of swedes fighting for Islamic state has been convicted in Sweden. A law that will criminalize association with and participation in terrorist organizations is on time, but is supposed to enter into force later in the year.”

“The sweden democrats require that the law shall apply retroactively. However, there is a prohibition in the constitution against retroactive punishment.”

“– The parties who consider themselves to be of noble principles, in order to take the necessary political decisions can then explain to the relatives of the victims of terrorism how fine you are with your principles, said Adam Marttinen (SD).”

“He claims that parliament has the opportunity to make exceptions to the retroaktivitetsförbudet, but admits that it required an investigation and that a constitutional amendment may be necessary. It would mean that it will be several years before anyone can be convicted retroactively.”

“Several parties, among them SD and M, accused the government of being saktfärdig when it comes to submit the agreed draft legislation in the fight against terror.”

“– It has put Sweden in a serious situation, said the Conservatives Johan Forssell.”

“He believes that it will be difficult to trap the return IS-swedes with today’s legislation.”

“Forssell also think that the law is now on its way to criminalize dealings with terrorist organisations have shortcomings. He points out that the highest penalty, if the crime is not considered grave, is two years and think it is ”

“the Government would, however, increase the punishment when it comes to the anti-terror legislation in general. An investigation is expected to submit such proposals at the end of march.”

“About 300 people have since 2012, traveled from Sweden down to Syria and Iraq to join the våldsbejakande islamist groups in the region, primarily the Islamic state (IS).”

“Approximately half of them have returned.”

“A 50-speech of IS-supporters are believed to have been killed. Around 100 people are believed to be left in the conflict zone.”

“Travel where as most 2013 and 2014, then began resandeströmmen blade. 2016 traveled a dozen people.”

“the Return began slowing by 2016. There are now very few.”

“the Fbi have conversations with everyone who returns. There is reason to believe that a crime has been committed, the opening of a preliminary investigation.”