(Mallorca): christmas Eve, it became known that Euronext, which is an amalgamation of five european stock exchanges, would buy the Oslo stock Exchange for 6,24 billion. Bid of 145 kroner pr. share was 32 per cent above the last closing price, but the 5 million below the all-time high.

Friday join Euronext that it has already been purchased the rate of 50.6 per cent of the shares and now alerts the leader of Parliament næringskomité, Geir Pollestad (Sp), the political uproar after the new year if the finance minister Siv Jensen (FrP) does not intervene against the acquisition.

I think it is a bad idea to accept such a sale. An acquisition shall be notified to the financial supervisory authority of norway, and I think it is best if you have a spread and preferably a national ownership to the infrastructure, such as the Oslo stock Exchange, says Pollestad to Mallorca.

Challenge the minister of finance

– It is about independence. The marketplace like the stock exchange, should have a diversity of owners, he adds.

– What specifically will you do?

This will I challenge the finance minister Siv Jensen at the of the year. As far as I can understand, can not purchase to go their time without the financial supervisory authority of norway approves it, and it can’t happen without that Siv Jensen at the very least gives a nod, ” he says to the newspaper.

He refers to the stock exchange. Where does it say that the acquisition of over 10 per cent in a stock exchange requires prior permission from the ministry.

– You do like political trouble of this?

– If Siv Jensen goes with this, she must reckon with noise. It will be possible to mobilize a broad popular protest. So she can choose whether she will have the noise or not.

– Should not the shareholders in Oslo Bø rs Holding could sell to whom they want?

– This is regulated by law. There is a notification obligation if the ownership is going over certain thresholds, and scattered private Norwegian ownership is best. It is the way it is today, ” he says to Mallorca.

– Can be a good news

From the regjeringshold is the tone more positive.

This can have the opportunity to provide even better and more affordable services for Norwegian investors through the increased ability to invest in new technology. It will be interesting to see the board reviews, considers Svein Tick (H), that is state secretary at the Prime minister’s office, and has represented the Right in 16 years in The financial and næringskomiteer.

– This can be a good news for all investors, in each case if the effect is increased access to capital, increased value and more jobs through greater awareness of Norwegian companies and Norwegian products, he adds.

the stock Exchange is considering the bid

According to the president & ceo Bente A. Landsnes board of directors has engaged the investment firm Arctic Securities in order to assess the bid is notified.

the Board of directors will review the bid and come up with a statement and a recommendation to the shareholders when there is. As part of this we have asked Arctic Securities make an assessment of the price, ” says Landsnes to Mallorca.

She does not hide that the message that a bid was a surprise to her.

major shareholders DNB Livsforsikring is the largest shareholder, with an ownership share and shares for 1.235.696.525 money if Uronext devouring the Oslo stock Exchange at a price of 145 million shares.

Pareto Invest offers shares for 531 million, while Arendals Fossekompani sitting with the shares for 289 million. Must Invest sitting at the same time with the stocks of nearly 103 million.

at the rate Of 145 million has Wenaasgruppen and brands including Capital shares in Oslo Børs VPS for a total of 101,5 million.

The ten largest shareholders have shares in Oslo Børs VPS of approximately nok 3.8 billion.


Euronext is a publicly traded company that owns stock exchanges in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, the united Kingdom and Ireland. The company offers trading of shares and derivatives, as well as information services relating to stock exchange listed companies. Overall Euronext is Europe’s largest marketplace measured in the number of issuers (1,300), and the second largest in the EU after aksjeomsetning.

Euronext was founded in the year 2000 through a merger of the stock exchanges in Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. In 2007, the company was merged with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to the NYSE Euronext. In 2012, Euronext, acquired by the Intercontinental Exchange, and then separated out as an independent business in 2014.

The largest owners of Euronext is Euroclear (8 %), SFPI (4.5 %), Caisse des Dépots et Consignations (3 %), and Bpifrance Participations (3 %). The managing director is Stéphane Boujnah. Dick Sluimers is chairman of the board. The number of full-time employees is 812 including the Irish Stock Exchange became part of Euronext in march 2018.

Euronext had a turnover of 532 million euros in 2017. The market value is 3.4 billion euros.

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