My grandfather came from a poor farming family.. He got a dentures in konfirmationsgave. In fact, it was a fine gift, when you think about it, Anders C. and Ole A. – which was confirmed in 1984 – would also appear that he got some fab gifts:

– A gold chains of my parents + party, a Parks stiftblyant and pen by my grandparents and about 1200 dkk in cash. Well it was a different time back then. But I thought I got great gifts.

120,000 in Hellerup
of course There have always been differences in how the great gifts the confirmation candidates get, but something suggests that the amount of cash that will be placed on the gift table, now can often fund a smaller car and not a just a used Corolla from the eighties:

– I was at a confirmation in north Zealand, with subsequent reception/party at a private address in Hellerup, north of copenhagen… The little purk ended up with a cash dividend of approx. The 120,000 crowns plus miscellaneous great gifts, writes Michael C., and Lasse K. – as was confirmed four years ago, writes:

Fine with money
– One of my friends got 100,000, and a lot of other gejl. I ended up even out with the 12-14000.. Hehe 🙂

51 percent believe that it is fine to give money as a gift, while 25 percent are against donations. It shows a study here at the nation!, where the 7361 has voted, and Frederick T. writes that it is the adults who go up in the money:

I held the first communion for my daughter last year, it was a pouting, to hear the adults (and it was only the adults that went up in how much money she had), to the last, she was obviously tired of answering them, so she said: ‘I’ve got many, but you were the one who gave me at least’ – so they stopped to ask, writes Frederick T.

But it is all equal in the eyes which react as ‘sensible’ as the Founder of the T. p daughter?

– Not quite. I wonder if staklen, which ‘only’ has got 80.000 feel cheated now, when their classmates at the prep school have scored between 100 and 120,000 dkk 😉 But fair enough. The amount of coke and alcohol to endure the hard life, it costs probably a part, writes Thomas O.

Have you ever experienced a disappointed boy?