After more than four years and 150 ‘Cash’programs stops ’Cash’s host, Jakob Illeborg, now as a host and as a staff member in DR. The writes

the Change occurs in connection with a relaunch of the program.

– I have – together with the skilled team worked hard to make 40 part programs annually, and it seems I have succeeded. Now where the program is being relaunched, I matadorbet think, it is a natural time to say thank you for this time. I will not at least say thank you to the many viewers and all of the many, excited the danes, along the way we have met anywhere in the country, says Jakob Illeborg to the

In his latest edition of ‘Cash’ with Jakob Illeborg in the front then he is on the wood briquettes, and how to risk being scammed with them. Photo: DR/in Cash

Before he was the host of ’Cash’, was Illeborg, among other things DR-the correspondent in London and host of ’DR2 the Day’.

DR’s news chief, Thomas Falbe, thank Illeborg for the effort through the years.

– Jacob, in all his years in the DR delivered a distinguished and dedicated efforts. He has helped shape coverage of everything from the Uk over the global issues to critical forbrugerjournalistik. Illeborg is brimful of ideas and projects, where both the outcome and the process for the team means a lot, says Thomas Falbe according to

The last edition of ‘Cash’ with Jakob Illeborg as the host has been posted on DR1.

the Extra Leaf is working to get a detailed comment from Jakob Illeborg.