Ghent, Although the science convinced seems that the source of the legionella contamination in the Ghent port area is situated, it continues to be very busy. Even now conscience is that ” victim 19 of the 21 with the bike through the port moving, let other cyclists are not deterred. “Well, now we have got to our work.”
Although a lot of people, especially in Europe, are concerned about the legionella contamination and to find ways to make sure not infected. Still, in the port area – where the source of the contamination so should be equally busy as the other. Also, the number of cyclists is not taken. Even after it became known that ‘patient 19’ by bicycle through the harbour area moving.
On the spring of Langerbrugge was now equally busy as the other. Also, cyclists were again transfer. Surgical masks were nowhere in sight, they would anyway not help. And the cyclists themselves, who respond with a laconic smile. “Well, now we have got to our work.”
The chance that you get sick by the legionella bacteria is very small. You need to have them breathe in atomised form (therefore cooling systems of thought). Moreover, healthy people with the bacteria will come in contact with are usually not even sick. Only people with a weakened immune system, lung, heart and other chronic patients are at risk of becoming sick. Those who suspect still infected with legionella, hurries to the best doctor.