Rise and shine! A brisk walk to banish the pounds and stress – and not even pay anything.

after the Holidays feel can feel turpealta, and everyday begins, many swear too to start working out. Pounds lost however, even without a new room card or order slog.

the super-popular fitness guru Kayla Itsines recommends effective, fat tiristävä of HIIT-workout alongside her LISS-practice, i.e. a low intensity task, steady and long-lasting aerobic exercise. Brisk walking jogging fit that description perfectly.


Itsines calls for an increase in weeks at least a few 30-45 minute walks. Jogging to get in shape, help your body recover and enhance fat burning, but doing good also for the mind, Itsines recalls.

Walk alone in own thoughts, with the dog or, say, listening to music to relax and expel stress effectively. Nature in the middle of jogging the mind rests in particular.

lazy property, the user only sees the suitable jogging is also easy to take into everyday life. Maybe you can walk part of your commute or your combined workout of, say, a trip to the grocery store? Recommended by trainers for everyday style should be able to sneak to walk effortlessly every day.


the Thing is published for the first time 2.8.2017.

Source Kaylaitsines.com

Images Raka Rachgo/Unsplash

MILJA HAAKSLUOTO milja.haaksluoto@iltalehti.fi