great belt will remain a cash cow.

– My political nose tells me that one will never close to the source of funding.

so says the ex-minister of transport and former chairman of Sund & Bælt Jens Kampmann to, in the occasion of the Parliament of the day must førstebehandle the bill on the Fehmern connection.

although many natives of funen – more than 1500 at the last count – has joined the campaign for the lower bridge-the prices of, so Denmark has a need for the money great belt hiver home.

– It will go out over the traffic on Fehmarn, where the rate be significantly down on the great belt, it sounds very logical explanation from Jens Kampmann, but it believes Lila W is ’too rough’. And Thomas BM seem, it gives rise to look at its support for the Fehmern:

– Yes, so, we have to fight for the Fehmarn connection fails to materialise, writes Thomas.