Antti Kaikkonen told to consider the centre the chairman of the race at that point, ”when it has more support than just their own pyrky”.

the Fourth season of the parliament seated in the center of the mps Antti Kaikkonen intends to stand again next spring’s parliamentary elections.

Your campaign is even more wondering. But I do then eventually a decent campaign, and the sports terms described see where it is enough, Kaikkonen said.

Antti Kaikkonen leaves in the spring parliamentary elections, to pursue fifth season as an mp. The center of the presidency, he said the question until later, if the race is enough support. Tommi Parkkonen

in the 2015 parliamentary elections Kaikkonen collected from the new country from 10 617 votes.

Alma Media in a recent, December, published at the beginning of party support in the survey, the center was the third of 15.1 percent support. The difference between these two SDP (21.4 %) and coalition (19,8 %) were clear.

I’ve noticed that no one was to be given up. Yes this really is going to be sent to the election battle and to bring your own targets up. Medals to aim at, and the brighter the medal, the better. The order can still be any, and the SDP should still win elections to stay. Number of percent of units of the roll support in the are possible.

But yes, the center should get new gear, so we could fight for it right to the top spot.


– the electoral goals of the season. They will be published at the beginning of February.

”Truth in between”

the center of the inside has been increasingly koventuvia reproaches the president Juha Sipilä . Many, especially more experienced guard kepulais politician criticized sipilä to the fact that this doesn’t listen like my own little inner circle and leave listed without other centrist tips, advice and suggestions.

– He has a very challenging task to combine the prime minister and party chairman – it is humanly almost impossible equation, because both are full-time. It certainly will always feel inadequate and clock hours are not enough no matter how I try, the centre of the parliamentary group chaired by the Kaikkonen understand Sipilä.

Kaikkonen, according to the criticism sure to come in any case, ”it would be Sipilä spot anyone”.

– When Sipilä once entered into politics, so whatever he says, everyone was talking about, that that’s a smart and good man. Currently, he said almost anything, so let’s say that that’s a useless old man, which is not nothing understand. I think that the truth is probably somewhere in these intermediate terrain.

Kaikkonen recalls, in this election season, achieved economic growth of, 115 000 new jobs and the state indebtedness restraining.

– based on the results of this Finnish setting up has gone pretty well, although the screaming has been hard.

“Appropriate criticism”

Screaming, however, appears in the center of this moment in the polls.

– the Policies of the old rule is that the government responsibility and the responsibility – good and bad decisions – the erosion of support, especially päähallitus party. The price will always, unfortunately, some elections are paid.

Kaikkonen acknowledges that the center of the field people should be encouraged in addition to also reprimanded.

– the Negative side is the concern especially in the disadvantaged position and low incomes the situation in Finland. And it’s totally appropriate criticism: we have a lot of people with difficulties in their livelihood and with money really tight. And this election season has been really scarce on the line – when the state of the economy has been put in shape, so the scarcity of it has meant.

But on the other hand, has become a positive feedback to the fact that the country has been put on the right footing from where was started a few years ago. The center of the election theme in the last election was ”English shape”, and if you look at the economic big metrics, so the results I think are at least reasonable: the economic growth has been Europe wooden spoon for the European tip and jobs is born at this stage 115 000, and more coming in every week throughout Finland.

”mistakes have been made”

This is where the opposition politicians and supporters of yelp, that the Finnish economic growth is the result of the rest of the world in economic growth and this government have only got to enjoy its fruits.

Kaikkonen is naturally disagree.

Europe and the rest of the world economy also increased in the last election season, but then we couldn’t get growth to catch up. Now there are different ways enhanced Finland’s competitiveness, so yeah, growth is certainly a part of the world economy is growing, but some role is for, what the government has done. I’m not saying that everything is the government, but the role nevertheless.

But certainly no mistake, this is along the way to make, too, is clear.


– When a government program is typed in, then a couple of weeks trying to write down all what the next four years and then not necessarily always see four years from now, what are definitely sensible projects and what not. And then some projects closer inspection found that they are not rational and they are pulled back and this has become a criticism of, for example, when the planned boats and motorcycles additional tax. It was in my opinion a strike, and it was good that it was pulled then off.

the chairman of the race?


– It have some other questions, and of course it will feel warm. But I don’t experience the issue topical.


As I said, I left politics to influence, and then influence the place of interest. But on the other hand, when that task is close to the view, so common sense says that it should deliberately and teeth reach.

– But if a spot opens up at some point, and it has more support than just their own pyrky, so then you have to watch is it worth it to leave the track.

”tore a election battle”

the April parliamentary elections are approaching and no later than February parties and mp candidates begin to use overdrive, which will also be visible in the political debate.

the national coalition party chairman of the Petteri Orphan call a few weeks ago, other party leaders, in order to spring the election atmosphere should not be too much tearing.

I Can myself to join, but I’m still a little pessimistic, so we’ll be seeing tearing electoral battle, between the facts to ignore. This is not so much on the party of the president – I believe they can, as a rule, just a civilized discussion – but that at the next level start already in October to fly, Kaikkonen sighs.

however, He declares that the policy of the current tougher climate has not received him to himself to reflect the transition to other work.

I have been all the time a good motivation to these tasks. This is a patience demanding endurance sports, and we should enjoy those small profits and good deeds now and then – they help to endure hardship.