If people must have it good, it requires that they have someone to talk with about life’s joys and challenges.

It also applies to livstidsfanger, mean the secretary of the Fængselsforbundet Bo Yde Sørensen. He warns against a resolution, as the Danish people’s Party makes on Friday.

– We can see already today that inmates who do not have a family life, have it incredibly hard in the prisons.

– If you do not provide them with a safety valve and an opportunity to live something resembling a normal life, so we get very desperate inmates, he says.

With the resolution asking, among other things Danish people’s party spokesman, Peter Kofod, the Danish minister of justice to examine the possibility of limiting the livstidsdømte in creating new relationships with people outside the prison.

Kofod is encountered over that of the medium B. T., for example, has been able to report that the drabsdømte Peter Madsen received the visit of four women, while serving in Storstrøm Prison.

– I think it is outrageous that some of the people who have committed some of the worst crimes that can have time in the datingtilværelsen in prison.

Livstidsfanger, according to Kofod could only be visited by family and good friends.

It worries Stay Provide Sørensen, who fear that the limited contact with the outside world will lead to desperation, which will go in addition to the staff.

– It can be expressed as threats to staff, threats to other inmates, violence, self-harm, suicide and assault in prisons, he says.

Livstidsdømte spend rarely the rest of life behind bars. They are serving an average of about 16-17 years.

Therefore, according to the Fængselsforbundet important that it is done under proper conditions, so they do not risk to be more blunt and crude.

the Liberal party spokesman, Preben Bang Henriksen, awaiting the outcome of the investigation, before he will say, whether the Left will support the changes.

– There must be some limits. I certainly agree with DF. We must, then, examine what scope there is for it, he says.

Spokesman Trine Team (S) has previously expressed support for the proposal.

the minister of Justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen (K) writes to Ritzau, that the ministry is in the process of investigating the topic. He calls the debate for important.

– Livstidsfanger, who have committed the worst crimes, should not use prisons as datingcentraler. It is offensive to the families who daily have to live with the memory of the crimes committed.

the Study is expected to finish before the summer.