It has nothing Less than the “solution for the Swiss asylum Dilemma”, which Foraus, the self-appointed think-tank on Swiss foreign policy today, Tomorrow presents. The core of the proposal is the so-called Swiss Refugee Partnership, a new regulatory model for the Resettlement of refugees, which reacts according to its promoters on the Dilemma between political and defense reflexes and humanitarian solidarity.

individuals, but also civil society organizations such as NGOs or associations can contribute to the inclusion of especially vulnerable people such as women, children, the Elderly and the disabled in the future more than in the past, by taking on financial responsibility, and strengthened support for the Integration of these people. As a model for Canada, which has had more than 40 years, a privately funded recording program for Resettlement refugees.

Integration can speed up counting, policy on asylum strengths

So those who are in need of protection would, there, “where are you on the openness and support”, as stated in the report of Foraus. Switzerland has a committed civil society with a high commitment to volunteering. This potential is still under-used and promoted, the think-tank is convinced. Due to the better local presence and personal support of the Integration of the Refugees would be accelerated. The think tank will ultimately strengthen the legitimacy of the Swiss asylum policy.

base to form a partnership contract, the private individuals will conclude with the refugees. Three to eight to take care of individuals, Refugees. Foraus is hoping for so that adequate supervision is ensured and any excessive demands on individual carers is preventative from the floor. The new Instrument is intended to complement the existing asylum policy – and do not lead to outsourcing of state functions to the Private sector, as the think-tank stresses.

Up to 10’000 refugees per year

the eligibility criteria for The Refugees to remain the same as it is today. The United Nations high Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) selects people who are very vulnerable, and sent their dossier to the Swiss authorities to consider Resettlement applications for asylum, the grounds for exclusion as well as news service. You give the green light, could enter these people without long escape route to Switzerland, and allowed to settle here. You will directly receive refugee status and asylum.

Switzerland has since 2013 its own Resettlement policy. Since then, the Federal Council decided on several quotas, the last in December 2016, by the inclusion of 2000 Victims of the conflict in Syria. This year he wants another 800 directly in Switzerland. Non-governmental organizations and left-wing parliamentarians are demanding that Switzerland should accept per year up to at least 10’000 Resettlement of refugees. The SVP, on the opposite side doesn’t want. And so it is not surprising that the new proposal of Foraus falls in the right party. “As long as Switzerland is not able to send back tens of Thousands of economic refugees from safe countries, or want to, are allowed to be no more refugees directly flown in,” says SVP-national Council Andreas Glarner.

“Current asylum policy in the people enough

anchored in the” Similar sounds, the FDP and CVP, without which it will be in the Parliament no majority for the new model. FDP Council of States Philipp Müller referred to the idea as “real nonsense”, denying the realities. He points to Germany, where the idea has already failed in the approach. “It is predictable that Private, such Resettlement-taking in refugees and probably Finance, be obtained quickly from reality,” says Müller. For example, the fact that they could not Finance these people or wanted to. “In the end, this Resettlement of the refugees remain yet again at the expense of the state Treasury.”

Also CVP-President Gerhard Pfister says: “This idea brings nothing.” And he criticizes the, in his view, the wrong analysis of the problem of Foraus: “The Swiss asylum policy is in accordance with the various plebiscites and referenda, not in civil society is not enough anchored.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.02.2019, 20:30 Uhr