are affected by The software malfunction at the German air navigation service continues, with consequences for the air traffic Alone, the Lufthansa cancels 46 flights – approximately 4500 passengers.

Lufthansa has cancelled because of the ongoing problems at the Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) even more flights. To the start of the week had to be the largest German airport, 46 flights with 4500 affected passengers to be cancelled, a company spokeswoman said. Initially, the company had reported 22 Cancel.

said A spokesman for the Frankfurt airport operator, Fraport, a total of 66 of 1400 flights were failed.

the air traffic controllers of Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS): A Software Problem in the air traffic controllers will limit the air traffic.

reduced traffic

Since last week, the technicians of the air navigation Central rings in Long disruptions to the electronic control strip system. Already on Wednesday evening, the state-owned company had reduce the traffic for the airspace around a quarter of which is controlled by Langen near Frankfurt. On Friday, the talk was of around 50 cancellations in Frankfurt.

In the night from Wednesday to Thursday will now be an alternative Software in operation. As before, the fact that “the safety and security of air transport is not affected”.

the name of The affected Software in accordance with previous DFS information to the pilots all the flight path for the important data of each flight. These are, for example, aircraft type, flight route and the expected crossing time. The rest of the backup system are fully available.

Of the air traffic control headquarters in Long monitored airspace, which extends from lake Constance in the South to Kassel in the North. In the West, the boundary of the Langen airspace is the French border, in the East of Thuringia. The other Control centres of DFS in Munich, Bremen and Karlsruhe are not affected by the disorder.