“Banned pesticides are allowed in our”
“In the spring, the Swedish sugar beet growers an exemption from the chemicals inspectorate to use a means that Sweden in the past pushed for the ban, reports the Echo in the Radio.”
“It’s about a drug that contains one of the three banned neonicotinoids, and which have been identified as involved in recent years, colony collapse disorder.”
“Sweden has been a driving force for restrictions on neonicotinoids in the EU, and the Swedish chemicals inspectorate has previously said no in similar cases.”
“the Swedish chemicals inspectorate head of department, Agneta Westerberg says that it is about a nöddispens and that it is necessary for the growers to get the output to work at all. But the decision is questioned within the authority. Some believe that the decision is ill-founded and that it is possible to use other, allowed funds.”
“– They are approved for other types of uses also. When we talk about growing beet, there are right now not some other means that is effective enough, ” says Agneta Westerberg.”
“sugar Beets do not attract bees and bumblebees, and in nöddispensen included conditions that limit what may be grown on the fields next year.”
“– the following season, may not grow other crops that are in bloom. It is an additional measure we have taken, ” says Agneta Westerberg.”
“the Neonicotinoids are a special group of insecticides, the insecticides.”
“They are used in, for example, rapsodlingar where rape is treated, grazed, with the funds.”
“Chemically have neonikotinoiderna, as the name suggests, the large similarities with nicotine. The insects hamstrung and die at large enough concentration. Against certain insect pests, they are highly effective, but also affects the wild bees and bumble bees.”
“the Usual honey bees don’t hit as hard as the wild species, which may depend on their communities is very large and can withstand large losses.”
“Source: Nature Communications”