The 54-year-old senator from California and former prosecutor Kamala Harris on Monday announced that she also puts up as a presidential candidate in 2020.

she tells in Good Morning America on the tv channel ABC.

Thus she follows her colleagues from the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren in the queue of the democrats, who hope to be allowed to challenge Trump, when voters must choose a new president in november 2020.

Kamala Harris has worked as a prosecutor in California, before she was elected to the political chief of the prosecution services in the first city of San Francisco and since the state of California.

At the election in 2016 were democrat Kamala Harris elected to one chamber in Congress – in the Senate.

Here she has made herself noticed with very critical issues during the hearings, when the former attorney general Jeff Sessions and supreme court judge Brett Kavanaugh would need to be approved.

Harris has on Monday presented his campaign’s hallmark. Tax relief for AMERICA’s middle class, the reforms of the legislative and immigrationssystemet and an extension of the program that provides health care insurance for persons over 65 years of age.

Harris will this month hold a valgmøde in the city of Oakland to mark the beginning of his campaign.

Da Kamala Harris, like a number of others want to be The Democratic Party’s presidential candidate in 2020, she must first fight for the title through a series of primaries.

the Process begins with a series of debates, as the party organization the DNC is staging from June this year onwards. There will be a total of 12 debates.

From February 2020 to members of the party in selected states begin to give their opinion. This happens either by outright primaries or vælgermøder. The first vælgermøde being in the state of Iowa 3. February.

Then follow the first state with a primary after New Hampshire votes 11. February. The party’s candidate be finally settled by a convention in July 2020.

we meet the various parties ‘ candidates on the ballot for the november 2020.