Italy has a new hero, a random. Daniele Cassol is 56 years old, a professional security guard, he comes from the Ligurian port city of Savona. All the Newspapers show a photo of the show Cassol with outstretched arms on the bridge of the Madonna del Monte on the motorway A 6. In The Rain. Behind him is a piece of the bridge, thirty metres is missing, for example, the guard rails hanging in the air. A landslide had carried away the bridge piece just after days of rain, the mountain had come down. Cassol had to brake his Fiat Panda in good time, well he warned of the approaching cars, he was watching over them.

“I have done only my duty,” he says. When he saw the hole in front of you, he must, of course, immediately think of the Ponte Morandi, on the bridge of Genoa collapsed. His sense of duty probably saved the lives of many. Also a tour bus with dozens of pass, he was able to keep interacting with his intimate Armschwenken before the disaster. In the depth of the plugged-in road boards in the mud. You seemed like an exclamation point.

7317 bridges and tunnels

again, complain to the Italians about themselves. To act on its chronic inability to preventive and to protect themselves from the vagaries of nature and the dangers of an outdated, crumbling infrastructure. About sluggish bureaucracy, constantly postponed promise-and tragic that would be smart of check, which would do just the not. “Everything is collapsing”, you hear now and again. “Crolla tutto!”

The Italian motorway network is one 7317 bridges and tunnels, that is a lot. The large number of recalls that this country is a Peninsula, this half of the island, but apart from a few levels from the top to the bottom with mountains and hills. Liguria, a narrow and elongated Region in the far North-West of Italy, consists of 98 percent of the mountain and only 2 per cent of flat land, most of it is coast. On the motorway from Genoa to Ventimiglia, the so-called Autostrada dei Fiori motorway, high above the Mediterranean sea, is part of track way Tunnel to the bridge without interruption, dozens of kilometers long.

The engineers have since created a work of art. But it is getting on in years, like the entire Italian road network. The media are now publishing lists with more or less collapsing highway bridges. The “Corriere della Sera” called five ten, the condition will just subjected to a test, because they are considered to be particularly at risk. Eleven are located in Liguria, five on the A 10, the “motorway of flowers”.

An official risk map, there is not but, although the European Union calls on you since 2008. In the Directive it is said that the Transport Ministry should give the member States an independent authority with the mission “to create a highly detailed” inspections of all transport routes. After the collapse of the Ponte Morandi in August of 2018, we looked at the policy in Rome, take a closer look. There is now a name and an organizational chart for the Agency. However, their work has not included still. In the press it is called “Ghost of Agency”.

A large part of the motorway network operated by private companies that charge for this service: namely, to a total of 5887 of 7488Kilometern. The Ponte Morandi is part of the responsibility of Atlantia, a Holding company of the Benetton family. The swept away bridge at Savona is operated by Gavio, a construction company from the Piedmont. Perhaps the bridge was not together, not so bad. In this case, the question of how it is that the mountain started to Slide down rather.

part of the collapsed bridge between Turin and Savona. Photo: Screenshot of Reuters TV

Italy has an old, never seriously treated the Problem with the so-called hydro-geological disruption. In Liguria, with its many Slopes is the risk that in heavy rain the soil becomes independent, of course, particularly great. A considerable part of the problem is man-made. Also in Liguria has been built in areas where there never would have been allowed to be built. If time is a river in the way was narrowed to him or to concrete it. So many drain disappeared gutters.

billion for nothing

After serious Flooding every government praised, she takes care of the renovation. Anywhere in the country. Without fear of resistors. Immediately. “Safe Italia”, for example, the program of the previous Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, has made 10 of 386 cases, which would need to be treated urgently, with dams and wider river beds. But nothing is progressing.

money is not lacking. For the backup of the soil, there is a Fund of twelve billion euros. However, only about 10 percent of that planned. “There is a lack of the ability to the money well and spend it quickly,” writes in the “Corriere”. The Offices are slow, complicated procedures, and many contractors did not trust the state, because the pay is always much too late.

you can read here how to create a new report, the Alibi, the operator of the Ponte Morandi, which collapsed last year, is questioning.

Created: 25.11.2019, 22:50 PM