the 24-year-old be prosecuted also for the preparation to the murder, then he according to the prosecutor intended to kill another person at the same time. Knivdådet occurred in the afternoon north of Husby the city centre and many became witnesses to the event.

– There are three people who have met this day, at a basketball court in Husby. One of them, the accused, has since killed one of the others, and has also prepared itself for to kill the third person, ” said prosecutor Alexandra Bittner to Expressen.

the responsible investigators at the police, says in a news release that the deceased was subjected to a large excessive use of force and that the police early could track a suspect.

the 24-year-old was apprehended one day after the murder in connection with a shoplifting in Linköping.

During the murder investigation also has a knarkhärva nystats up. The murder suspect to have transported 18 kilograms of hashish from Stockholm to precisely Linköping. The 24-year-old charged with this reason, drug offences and a 19-year-old man prosecuted for aggravated narcotics offences in the same case.