The Dutch footballer Bernio Verhagen stands for at least three years and nine months in prison for having raped and beaten his ex-girlfriend from Chile.

It is the requirement from the prosecutor Katrine Melgaard, Midt – and Vestjyllands Police, as she on Wednesday morning comes with his closing remarks in the Court in Viborg.

– Bernio Verhagen lying, and he is good at it, saith the prosecutor directly addressed to the main character.

He stares concentrated down in the table in front of him and listening to the interpreter, that translates to Dutch.

He has kept a woman trapped in a foreign country against her will and taken advantage of the situation he had put her in, ” continues the prosecutor.

Bernio Verhagen came to Denmark with his then-girlfriend 22. October of last year. He had signed a contract with 1. denmark Viborg FF.


Already after the first training was the dutchman taken out of the squad, when the man’s abilities on the grønsværen not proved to live up to the expectations.

It ended with the club tore the contract with the 26-year-old footballer over.

in Parallel, there was turmoil on the home front with Bernio Verhagen and her boyfriend.

the Pair were first quartered at the Palace Hotel, but was moved at the club’s behest, because the scene several times boiled over.

It culminated with an episode in a kiosk in Viborg 26. november.

Here it shows video footage from the kiosk, to Verhagen was corporal over for her boyfriend.

The conditions included in the voldssagen, as the court now treats.

Bernio Verhagen has been in custody since 27. november – interrupted only by the 12 hours on the free foot, as it managed to run away from the police.

The 21-year-old woman is back in Chile, and last week testified she in the case via a videolink from the embassy in Santiago.

Before she left Denmark, found doctors 40 bruises on her body.

– She has been beaten, pushed, thrown down stairs, thrown into furniture and walls several times, says Katherine Melgaard.

Bernio Verhagen has denied guilty of all charges except escape.

Viborg FF notified already in november last year Bernio Verhagen to the police.

the Club believes that it has been duped by a fake agent who enticed the club to hire Bernio Verhagen.

It has led to that there have been a new criminal case against Bernio Verhagen of fraud and forgery.

This case is scheduled to take place 18. august.

the Judge and the two lay judges is expected to decide voldssagen Wednesday.