In Berlin, is to be updated, as in other Federal States, the police act, to be against terrorist attacks. The experts of the SPD, Left and Greens negotiate about it since the autumn – but now the Left-hand first sealing. The state Executive of the party in government was decided unanimously that “any worsening of the General security and order act (ASOG) to refuse”.
This applies, in particular, for “increased Surveillance capabilities in all areas of life” and further “the advancement of the police intervention threshold”, decided the party leadership of the Left.

the areas also Rejected the “so-called Danger”, better known as the crime charged places. For the treatment and prevention of the national Board of Directors is not in favour of an expansion of the video surveillance, although this topic is not included in the coalition internally provided design of the interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) for a new police act. Even mobile video cameras, such as the Alexanderplatz, reject the Left.

Not a final rescue shot and no electronic tags

Because of the hard stance of the Left, the red had adjourned-red-green coalition Committee on the issue in December and the political experts of the three government groups tasked in February to broker a compromise. Whether this succeeds, is currently open. After all, it is largely agreed, which is not to allow the new police law. For this, the final rescue shot, and the electronic tags. If Left and Green engage in the wiretapping of phones in case of suspicion, is still open.

it is Indisputable the experimental introduction of body Cams with police officers in dangerous situations, its use can be documented. There is agreement, for example, when dealing with V-people, with so-called Gefährdern and the improvement of victim protection. Nevertheless, the original desire and is thus the catalogue of the Senator of the Interior hostage – hardly- also because the own SPD-Enjoyed not suspected of want to get a sharp police to develop law in Bavaria for Berlin.

video surveillance to remain outside

“But we need to show that Red is Red-Green in the security policy for Berlin action and government,” said SPD interior expert Sven Kohlmeier day-to-day level. “In light of the terrorist attack on the Breitscheidplatz, we need to go beyond what is in the coalition agreement.” Actually, the SPD, Left and Green had made to liberalise the Berlin police. But that was before the terrible terrorist attack that took twelve lives. Now negotiations on a new basis.

On Tuesday, the interior experts of the coalition partners will meet again at the end of January, the group leaders should be involved in the talks. “I am quite optimistic that with the ASOG-Novella comes out something Good,” said the Green domestic politicians Benedikt Lux on Thursday. “We want the rule of law, a modern Alternative to the police laws of other countries.”

The thorny subject of video surveillance before remains outside. The left and the Green hold of more cameras in the public space, as before, nothing. The SPD decided at a national Congress in November, the Installation of cameras “related to a particular occasion and temporarily on selected crime polluted places”.

court decision to Initiative for more video monitoring is available from

Then Senator hostage announced “for the next few weeks,” a draft law, but the. This is probably due to the fact that the claims of an Initiative for more video surveillance, which was initiated by the CDU in the Bundestag, Thomas Heilmann and the former district mayor of neukölln, Heinz Buschkowsky (SPD), are currently being reviewed by the country’s constitutional court. Hostage is well-advised to wait for the judgement and to take into account in his bill, said the coalition internally.

With a decision of the Supreme Berlin court is expected in the first half of the year 2019. The Senator for the interior, represented in advance of the assessment that the “core area” of the people, will not affect desire for more surveillance video from the constitutional court. If it comes to that, would have red-Red-Green two possibilities: The Senate is the people’s vote, to come to you – or is the Initiative a compromise.

Left and the greens did not criticise at the present time, that hostage to pursue other political projects, such as the Reform of the people’s voting right, the right of Assembly and the introduction of a police Commissioner so far, seriously. All of this leads to a situation, which makes the current negotiations in the coalition over a new law on the police, not easier.

More about

compromise between the SPD and the Left Brandenburg tightened police law

Thorsten Metzner

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