the teachers of The schönenberger Friedrich-Bergius-school do not want to accept the fact that your successful principal, Michael Rudolph will go in the summer. A month ago they appealed to the education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD), to reconsider the decision. An answer, so she wrote on Thursday.
“time passes, the trust is burning…”, – stated in the Mail that you made to Scheeres, but also to the members and to the Public their displeasure air.
“you denied us by the school Inspectorate, the communication, shows us how little we have to with our concerns and Worries and be taken seriously. This is bitter and not suitable to strengthen us for the immense challenges of our school day and maintain our confidence in the necessary support by the competent Supervisory authority”, write to you and complain that you have rejected the offer of their principals, the lead school for another year after his Retirement, “recently, the official German”. Their hope is that “the managers finally, the clarifying conversation with us”.
As reported, want to make Rudolph of Scheeres’ offer, a Retirement delay: The education Senator had hoped in this way to the teachers and head teachers lack of something to alleviate it. The school supervision had asked him in may “warm” to a conversation, and encouraged him to apply for an extension, reported by Rudolph. In December, it had communicated to him then, just barely. that “there is no interests of the service“.
“No interests of the service”
Between may and December, a lot had happened: The school was like – in spite of their great popularity and the relatively good student performance through the school inspection. In the report of the inspectors said that while there is action, a “high degree of identification of the teachers and parents with the goals of the school” and “by all Parties, recognised School management”. It is the neglect of the education programme, the education development and competence orientation but were counted as reported, six weaknesses:. In addition, the principal is in breach of the regulations for the organisation of schools, in that teachers teach less hours than required regularly to stand as a solid representation of the forces available.
In Public, this judgment caused a great Irritation, especially as the school is one of the few Berlin secondary schools, the stage, despite the lack of a secondary top for the last ten years of excess demand. In numerous Interviews, the principal had made his Anger – what to him in the administration of education the stamps he lent was “disloyal”. Then it was no longer far up to the point where you denied him the extension of his period of service.
An angry Mail to the Secretary of state
Since then, have used many of the members for Rudolph – including not only the responsible for education councillor Oliver Schworck (SPD), but also the district education Board Chairman Martina Zander-Rade, Christian Zander as the CDU Faction leader in the BVV, as well as the CDU and the FDP-education experts in the house of representatives, Hildegard Bentele and Paul Fresdorf, which have been quoted in the press.
the latter four, so not SPD man Schworck, received in early March, a coping-oriented Mail from the education councillor Mark Rackles (SPD): He told them that “this kind of media coverage, and these type of quotes from elected members, both at district as well as at the country level, in its view, “harms the democratic System in its entirety”. He considered the Remarks “irresponsible and as a part of the “Fake News” problem, and increasing disillusionment with politics”.
in support of his scolding notes Rackles to the fact that Rudolph had applied for a Succession to his place in November 2017.
The head may explain these apparent contradictory: In November 2017, the supply of education Senator have to work after Retirement, Yes not yet passed. Therefore, he had regarded it as his duty, the supervision of the schools, his early Retirement. So he wanted to prevent that his place remains vacant, as well over 100 school leaders in Berlin. The fact that the supervision of the schools was there, the Rudolph “cordially” invited to discuss with him further work, loses Rackles not a word. Unmentioned remains that Rudolph worked many years in the state Institute for school and media in the training of future school principals, up until they denied him this all of a sudden.
College wants answers
The College comes in front of all of the, apparently, more than a little suspect. Although it is not clear whether, without exception, all the teachers do for your headmaster but a teacher has signed in particular, “on behalf of the College”. The letter is in the daily mirror.
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Berlin school inspection school, despite the best of our reputation
Susanne Vieth-Entus
There it says that Rudolph encourage the colleagues through his own educational model and encourage, and their work “on the core tasks of our demanding instructional and educational mission focused”. The decision to let Rudolph do not continue to work, is not absolutely comprehensible, “and we ask you as the top service managers to hire competent employees with the Declaration of this decision and of the communication of the same to the College of our school,” reads the appeal to Scheeres.
BVV-CDU parliamentary leader Christian Zander-Rade said on Thursday, it witnessed a lack of respect, when the Senate administration respond to the letter of the College for four weeks, but instead of state search the Secretary the time to throw members of Parliament and district councillors by E-Mail “allegations to their understanding of democracy to the head, and were content to be completely wrong”.