“Provproffsen don’t destroy for the other”
“The person who has reached the top results on the scholastic aptitude test 17 times, the most in Sweden, is 60 plus.”
“the Competition from provproffsen can worry about them that allows the sample to enter at its drömutbildning.”
“But quiet – high performance serieprovdeltagare does not affect the ability of the rest.”
“No one can say how many they are, the people who time and again do the test to get their ability to the high result confirmed.”
” It is hard, it has not made any study and we have no information on that it would be the elderly, which makes the test for fun. But we know that there are a proportion who do not primarily do it to apply to an education, ” says Per-Erik Lyrén, project manager at Umeå university.”
“On 6 april, more than 67 000 people to do the test. Some go there with a feeling that it is life-and-death, because here is decided what training you will. Others do it for fun – to get full marks can improve self-esteem.”
“the Most Swedish scholastic aptitude test, 61, has a 75-year-old woman made. The second-largest number, 33 pieces, has a 52-year-old man harvested. The oldest provdeltagaren so far was 93 years old.”
“– Purely formal is the school not closed for anyone, you can start when you are 70 years or even more. Therefore, there is no upper age limit on the scholastic aptitude test, ” says Per-Erik Lyrén.”
“The oldest age group, 40 years and above, is the one who passes the test best. In the fall, this group 1,11 in the average. It can be compared with 21-24-year-olds got the worst snittresultatet, 0,84.”
“It raises the oldest participants are the results of the verbal elements, that is to say Swedish words and reading comprehension and English reading comprehension.”
“– The largest individual ålderssambandet is in), there are logical explanations for. When it comes to the mathematical part, there is no clear-cut connection overall, ” says Per-Erik Lyrén.”
“the Group of 40 plus is relatively small, only 2.5 per cent of the participants are so old.”
“Per-Erik Lyrén can calm those who are worried about that happen to have the misfortune to do the test at the same time as unusually many high-performance competitors.”
“– You get the same results no matter if the group is relatively low or high, for that we adjust for. And is used reference groups, and secondly, we are looking at similar data used at different sittings, as we know, can be assumed to function the same over time.”
“And those who do the test for the fun of it is not with and compete for the training places,” he points out.”
“Just like there are differences between younger and older people, there are also differences between men’s and women’s results. On average, capable men both the mathematical parts and the reading section better than the women.”
“– On the total, it is the guys who succeed the most, ” says Per-Erik Lyrén.”
“the Spring Swedish scholastic aptitude test conducted on Saturday, 6 april.”
“67 590 people have signed up, which is 11.5 percent lower than the spring of 2018.”
“Approximately 80 percent of those notified were born in 1994 or later.”
“the test Results are valid for five years and can be used for applying to the university and higher education in the further sample group, where there is a high school grade that determines who comes in. A high school grade, however, is in deciding who is eligible to apply even in this sample group.”
“the Test consists of two equally large parts. One is verbal and the test words and reading comprehension. The other is quantitative, with mathematical tasks and tasks that require logical and analytical thinking.”
“Source: University and högskolerådet”
“the Highest result possible is 2.0. Genomsnittresultat for all participants was the fall of 2018 0.89, respectively.”
“the Men gained an average of 0.97 and women 0,81.”
“here’s how it went for the different age groups in the autumn of 2018:”
“20 years and younger: Average 0,88. The group accounted for 61.6 per cent of the provdeltagarna.”
“21-24 years: Average 0,84. The group accounted for 20.6 per cent of the provdeltagarna.”
“25-29 years: Average value of 0,90. The group accounted for 9.4 percent of the provdeltagarna.”
“30-39 years: Average to 0.98. The group accounted for 5.9 percent of the provdeltagarna.”
“40 years and older: Mean of 11.1. The group accounted for 2.5 per cent of the provdeltagarna.”
“Source: Umeå universitet”