Police responded Thursday afternoon out to the message about a fire in a bin outside the attorney general Tor Mikkel Waras housing. The case was first referred to by the Filter News.

There is talk about a possible arson.

on Thursday evening confirming the Police security service (PST) that they are now investigating the case.

“We are already underway with an investigation by a past event, and it is natural to investigate whether there is a relationship,” says senior advisor in PST, Martin Bernsen to the Newspaper.


It is only just over a month since the minister of justice, Wara (Frp) notified to the police after the wall of his house was tagged with the word “rasisit”. In addition, the car was tagged with the drawing of a swastika and the word “racist”. In addition, hang a piece of string out of the gas tank on the car.

– A threat and an attack on democracy

Wara told then that he thought it all felt very uncomfortable.

– I am experiencing it first and foremost as a threat to Norwegian democracy. I’m set to do a job in the government, on behalf of the Norwegian people. And this is a threat and an attack on the democratic work and the democracy we have in Norway, ” said Wara to Dagbladet.

Now it can not be ruled out that Thursday’s trash-fire can be seen in the context of the aforementioned episode.

Secured slot

the Fire in the can shall have been extinguished by the fire department.

At 17.00 on Thursday, informs the operasjonsleder Rune Ullsand facing the Newspaper that the police ensures the technical track on-site and avhører witnesses. The case is being investigated now ahead of PST.

Waras roommate, Laila Anita Bertheussen, has also reviewed the Black Box Theater in Oslo to have filmed their house to show “Ways of Seeing”. The piece was performed at the end of november. Which are referred to named politicians, and it appears the filmed performances of among others the houses of the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp) and member of parliament and partikollega Christian Tybring-gjedde.

Dagbladet has been in contact with the department of Justice, who did not want to comment on the case. They refer to the police and PST.

Someone should have tried to light Waras car, reports website