It is not safe, you know who Martin Rossen is, and it is understandable. Spindoktoren tones very rarely forward. But at the Palace, he is known – and feared – by many, explains political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.
– It is an incredibly powerful person that says goodbye to the prime minister’s office now.
And according to Qvortrup, not to overestimate the importance, Martin Rossen, who also is a good friend of Mette Frederiksen, has had of the S-head the last nine-ten years.
– There is not only talk about Mette Frederiksen’s right hand, no, I would almost call him her right brain.
Policy – 16. jun. 2020 – pm. 13:34 Mette F.’s right hand says up
the prime minister’s office informs on Tuesday in a press release, Rossen leaves his position in the prime minister’s office to join as a Senior Vice President at Danfoss.
It happens after nine years of close collaboration with the current prime minister, first as her special adviser in the ministry of Employment 2011-2014, the ministry of Justice 2014-2015, chief of staff of the Social democrats 2015-2019 and since then in the prime minister’s office.
– He has been the man that has thought the major lines of Mette Frederiksen, and have put strategies – in addition, together with another person who has disappeared from Danish politics Henrik Sass Larsen.
On the question of how the party and especially the prime minister going to do without Rossens brain cells, saith the assessment:
He is a great loss. But you must also not forget that he is a man, who share the waters. He is a brutal magtspiller at Christiansborg palace, which also exerts its power brutally – also in relation to those who come in the way of his boss through the many years, Mette Frederiksen.
– There is hardly any doubt that a great many social democrats a sigh of relief.
Hear the entire Henrik Qvortrups analysis in the clip at the top.