– It is so raw-embarrassing for the Left, it is delicious.

this is the sound of the reaction from Henrik Qvortrup, according to Ekstra Bladet have been able to publish the Party’s internal spin-a guide to the upcoming elections.

– It is not managed Left to keep their methods to the body. In my opinion, this is yet another expression of that which is about to occur something reminiscent of mutiny in the Left. Right now it smells of ‘dead man walking’. It must be disturbing for them, that this guide at all delicious, sounds the from Extra the Magazine’s political commentator.

Spin-the manual provides a detailed insight into how the Left will try to discourage Mette Frederiksen during the election campaign. This information is now freely available, according to Qvortrup, a huge gift to the Party.

– It is a big giveaway to the opponent in the election campaign – especially for the Social democrats. Even legitimate attacks from the Left will the Social democrats be able to dismiss as scaremongering – it is stands, in the spin manual. It will be enormously easy for the Social democrats to reject the Liberal party’s rhetoric during the election campaign, ” says Qvortrup.

Henrik Qvortrup. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

In the manual, addressed to the Liberal party he, it will be used much gunpowder, that Mette Frederiksen must trynes on the foreigners-front. According to Qvortrup is it in a clever enough strategy.

– If not Left did the experiment, they would think very utaktisk. To claim that you can not rely on Mette Frederiksen, and that man with her will have an immigration policy in which the Unity, in many ways, is far-fetched, is a different story.

– But it is clear that if such scaremongering gets through, and people are getting nervous that we will have a lax immigration policy with the Social democrats, then the mission was successful. So I can well understand that they are trying, says Qvortrup, who hastens to add:

– But now that there are come additional focus on the Liberal party’s methods and the thinking behind these, so it will most likely not succeed in getting through with their message. It is cursed for them.