Richarlison chested the ball, spun and shot it right through the Tunisian goalkeeper’s legs on the next touch. A beautiful goal by the Brazilian to make it 2-1 in the friendly against Tunisia. What followed was ugly. Richarlison ran jubilantly to the corner flag to celebrate his goal there. When the Tottenham Hotspur striker was celebrating in the Prinzenpark in Paris, which was mainly packed with Tunisian fans, a spectator from the fan block threw a banana at the dark-skinned player.

The banana didn’t hit Richarlison, but he registered the throw and turned away, shaking his head. Bottles and coins also flew in the direction of the striker. Brazil punished the racist incident in their own way and won the game 5-1. Alongside Richarlison were Pedro, Neymar from the penalty spot and Raphina from a brace.

The Brazilian football association CBF condemned the racist attack on its striker: “After Brazil’s second goal, a banana was thrown in the direction of Richarlison. CBF reiterates its stance against discrimination and vehemently rejects another episode of racism in football.”

Before the game, Brazil’s national team had gathered behind a banner that read “Without our black players, we wouldn’t have stars on our jersey”. Nevertheless, there was a racist incident in the game.

“Once again I come publicly to express my disapproval. This time I saw it with my own eyes. That shocks us. We must always remember that we are all equal, regardless of skin color, race or religion,” said Brazil’s federation president. Racism must disappear from this planet: “I insist that the penalties must be stricter.”

Brazil will start their World Cup against Serbia on 24 November, followed by Switzerland and Cameroon in Group G. Tunisia meet Denmark, France and Australia in Qatar in the preliminary round.

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