“Rapist escaped deportation – then broke the perfect storm out”
“Three perukstockar with a prominent member of the 1800’s decided not to expel an african rapist.”
“Seldom have so few sparked so much anger among so many that when the Supreme court last week announced a judgment.”
“On rare occasions are the planets right and the perfect storm breaks out.”
“Rasisttroll in social media raged over that a golden opportunity to throw out a foreigner had been wasted and some feminists found yet another example of how society protects rapists.”
“In the wind, they found a common enemy. The fucking lawyers.”
“Mårten Schultz, a law professor, tweeted, despairing that he rarely seen so many misinterpretations of a judgment in this case and added,”
“A suspicion it is correct. The judgment is not a proof that Sweden is the blessing. Nor is it so that justitieråden has turned inside out on themselves to find arguments to keep the rapist in Sweden.”
“the Case concerns a woman (not a child, as one of the slasksajterna claimed) who slept over at a friend’s.”
“After she has fallen asleep appeared a friend to the landlord. He went and lay down next to her. She woke up that he made overtures, and even though she tried to push him away, pushed he into her.”
“is Required in ”exceptional reasons” for the expulsion”
“Jail for the rape and deportation, considered both the district court and the court of appeal. So far no weirdness. But so decided the Supreme court to examine the question of expulsion.”
“Justitieråden notes that the man is convicted of a serious crime, secondly, that he has lived in Sweden for eight years.”
“as opposed To an average straffrättsexpert in social media, the judges then made an effort to look closely at what is written in the law and its preparatory works.”
“Which shows, among other things, that if a person has lived so long in Sweden, which he has done so is required”
“the Supreme court considers that rape is a sufficiently serious crime to make the exception. But in this case it was the sanctions in relation, more than two years in prison, not enough to alone justify a departure. It is needed more. That relapse into crime or anti-social way of life.”
“In the debate, it has been pointed out that the man has resigned from the job, seems to be generally close to the beach and have been sentenced for minor offences.”
“It think justitieråden is not enough. I do agree with them about. The description of the way of life had been able to apply to any young slacker from the middle class that have not yet been snatched up and started at an advertising agency.”
“the Judges weighing the various circumstances, and lands in to the reasons for the expulsion are not strong enough.”
“A time that was different.”
“Is it then, that someone wrote on the Facebook now.”
“No, fortunately not. Gang rape is usually considered to be the rough rape. The crime of which it now formed the practice of relating to the rape of normalgraden. And a person who has not lived in Sweden as long as the man in this case may very well also in the future be expelled, even for rape, which is not judged to be rough.”
“One thing that strikes me when I read the judgment is the section the generosity. The legislature has taken pains to provide space for the exception. The judgment is a story about a time that was different than ours.”
“If it was a more tolerant or more naive time is in the eye of the beholder.”
“And say what you want about justitieråden, but there is no doubt that they ignore opinionsvindarna.”
“It countries them to honor. If the courts were influenced by the wind direction as would coarse ekobrottslingar during the 1980s fartblinda yuppiera have got away with fines and foreign shoplifters in our time to be judged to life.”
“But judge with integrity would soon be only pancake batter remain of the criminal law.”
“the thing is that the Supreme court was not unanimous. Two of the five judges wanted to establish utvisningsbeslutet. The legal situation is with other words not clear.”
“minister of Justice Morgan Johansson has announced a change in the law. It is a good thing. You need not be a member of the Ku klux klan or the followers of hardcorefeministen Valerie Solanas attempted murder on Andy Warhol to think that rapists who are not Swedish citizens should be deported. I think most of us agree with.”
“the Rules need to be tightened. “