In Brussels and In the countries of the European Union, the decision of the British with Regret. The Irish government wants to prepare intensively on the consequences of a Brexits without agreement. “Unfortunately, the outcome of the vote tonight, has increased the risk of a disorderly Brexits”, is it from Dublin. “Consequently, the government will intensify its preparations for such a result.” In the Letter, attention is drawn to the fact that a renegotiation of the agreement for the EU is out of the question.


the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is disappointed about the outcome of the vote in the British house of Commons. The vote will amplify the risk of No Deal Brexits, he communicates in writing. And calls on the UK to urgently clarify as soon as possible its objectives. “Time’s almost up”, writes Juncker. The exit agreement was a “fair compromise and the best possible Deal”. And it had been negotiated by the EU with a lot of time and effort, creativity and flexibility.

EU Council President Donald Tusk appealed in an almost identical statement to the British, to clarify your objectives as soon as possible. The EU-27 would continue to be United and try to limit the Brexit damage, says a spokesperson for Tusk. The EU is ready on everything, even on a No-Deal scenario. The risk of unregulated Brexits be increased with the vote.

The Brexit Officer of the EPP group in the European Parliament, Elmar Brok (CDU) , noting: “This is a crushing defeat.” The result is a “Quasi-coalition of the supporters of a hard-Brexit and of those who remain in the EU and a Referendum to force want”. The EU must now wait and see for the first time, whether Theresa May survived the vote of confidence, and which makes proposals to the government. “An extension of the withdrawal period is only possible if there are new elections, or a second Referendum.”

Manfred Weber, Chairman of the EPP group in the European Parliament , the rejection disappointing. Instead of clarity, the vote produce more uncertainty. “Brexit is a lose-lose Situation.” The exit of the Treaty respect the red lines of the United Kingdom and protect the EU citizens and EU-companies “before the surreal possibility of a No-Deal-Brexit”, the CSU politician and EPP candidate for the European elections. The government in the UK should quickly make it clear what its next steps.

Video: Jeremy Corbyn calls for vote of no confidence the leader of The opposition goes off on Theresa May. Video: UK Parliament/Tamedia

France, Italy, Austria, Spain

France, the end of the compromise indicates that The EU had made in the present agreement as many concessions as she could, with shares of France’s President Emmanuel Macron . It should come to a disorderly Brexit would first of all lose the British.

in Italy it is mainly about limiting the “negative impact of Brexits”, as the government of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said. In particular, the rights of Italians living in the UK, or the British, who lived in Italy, should be preserved. It is important also to ensure the stability of the markets and the banking sector.

Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz regrets on Twitter the outcome of the vote. The Ball was now in the house of Commons in London. He emphasized that there would be “no renegotiation”. The goal remains to avoid a hard Brexit.

The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez on Twitter, this Deal was the best available. A disorderly Brexit is negative for the EU and for the UK to be catastrophic. Spain is working on emergency measures and will put the focus on the rights of citizens and residents, it said.

to say That the German politicians

“a sad evening” speaks to CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer . Such a clear rejection, you didn’t expect, she says in Berlin. “We now need to keep a cool head, even if the heart is really hard.” There was still time until the end of March, a Unger Brexit apply avert. “Now you have to look at how things are in London continue to develop.” The EU was asked. “Of course, Germany has a special role in Europe, and also in this discussion.”

Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) writes on Twitter of a “regrettable” a vote. He warns: “All must now keep the peace. The #EU, but can not give up their principles, so much so we want to stay with the British more closely connected.”

Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) twitters: “This is a bitter day for Europe. We are prepared for it.” However, an unregulated Brexit would be the “worst of all possibilities” for the EU, but especially for the UK.

“According to Mays crashing defeat there should be new elections,” Left-group leader Sahra wagenknecht . There must be sufficient time given so that a new government could renegotiate at the end of a Brexit-standing Deal that, “unlike the failed Treaty, the interests of the population”, she writes also on the short message service.

This writes the British press

The media in the UK reports of course, on a large scale about the vote and its consequences. The conservative Telegraph exerts sharp criticism: “What is not understood Mrs May, in principle, is that you have to break to the implementation of the referendum clearly with Europe. This requires to choose a side and for you to use. Your attempt to all – including Brussels – satisfy – satisfied at the end of anyone. The extent of their defeat is proof of that.”

The link in the liberal Guardian appeals equally to the people and politicians on the island: “A lack of leadership creates lead to a feeling of panic, reinforced by a government, the food and drug stocks, as they prepare for war. We need to put the Chaos and division which have so much contributed to disfigure our country.”

The Boule triple newspaper “Sun” the headline online is “No May”, and shows on the front page of the newspaper on Wednesday, the now extinct bird Dodo with the face Mays. “Mays-Brexit Deal is as dead as a Dodo”,.


Created: 16.01.2019, 08:06 PM