to be elected, the former candidate is clear, but in the battle for the two new member of the cantonal government seats to be a tight race. Projections show that Martin Neukom of the Green is one of the seats to get.


“Top” says it is SP-Co-President, Andreas Daurù, when he hears that the two SP-Fehrs – Mario and Jacqueline are in accordance with the projections at the top. Co-President Priscilla Seiler Graf says: “This exceeds all our expectations.” Also, the fact that the Green candidate, Martin Neukom could make a sensational result that will satisfy the both of them: “This happens also thanks to our electorate,” says the SP Duo.

Marionna Schlatter Schmid (pictured), President of the Green Canton of Zurich, the result of the high bills. “We have a huge joy,” she says to the TA. “We started out as a geek in the elections and are now full of it.”

Is happy about the first results: Marionna Schlatter Schmid, President of the Green Canton of Zurich.

Schlatter, Schmid sees the reason for the impending Surprise in the political situation, the party can now benefit: “We have set the theme of climate in the election campaign, all on a card – and before the climate began strikes.”

SVP-President of the Konrad lang is hard, however, surprised that the candidate of his party, Natalie Rickli, in accordance with shaking of high bills to your choice. As the FDP-President Hans-Jakob Boesch also he is a mobilization problem of bourgeois voters. In addition, the climate was not a topic of the SVP and on the framework agreement with the European Union, which put his party as a theme, have spoken during the election campaign.

Serious faces: Konrad lang HART (left), President of the SVP in the Canton of Zurich, and the Swiss people’s party member of the Parliament Hans-Peter Amrein see in the media center at the cantonal elections in Zurich, the first projections.

According to Peter Moser, head of analysis in the statistical office Canton of Zurich, Mario Fehr its top position. “In-between extreme shifts are possible,” says Moser. It is still unclear whether the FDP, SVP, or actually the Greens get with their candidates for the seventh seat. The race is completely open.


Hans-Jakob Boesch, President of the FDP of the Canton of Zurich, for the first results of the extrapolations clear words: “If Thomas would not be elected and we would have to give up a seat, that would be very bad. Dramatically.” But he hopes that it will work to defend the second FDP sitting in the government. Boesch points out that Carmen Walker Späh had to shaking in front of four years until the end of the catchment in the Council.

The reasons for the poor performance Boesch looks, especially in the mobilization of the Alliance partner, SVP. “You have been brought in the city Council elections in Zurich less voters to the ballot box,” he says. The Greens have, in turn, places a massive electorate.

The SP-the two leaders of Priska Seiler Graf and Andreas Daurù don’t want to, not much to say about the parliamentary elections: “In the country, we are so strong, since small movements can hardly be interpreted.”


Created: 24.03.2019, 13:55 PM