The decision by US President Trump, from Syria to withdraw has been triggered in the case of the allies, criticism and concern. Germany, France and the UK warned of the consequences in the fight against the IS.

US President Donald Trump has defended his decision to withdraw troops from Syria. “Want to be the US policeman in the Middle East?”, he wrote on Twitter. “Should we stay there forever?” The presence to bring the United States nothing at all costs but the life of soldiers and trillions of dollars for the protection of others. It was now time to fight for others. “Russia, Iran, Syria and many others are not happy about the fact that the United States,” wrote Trump. “Now you need to the IS and others that you hate, without us fighting.”

Trump had declared on Wednesday that he sees the Mission of the U.S. army in Syria, with the victory over the jihadists militia “Islamic state” to be fulfilled. His spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders said, of the withdrawal of 2000 soldiers had already been initiated.

Maas calls the political process

The decision Trumps triggered fierce opposition and concern among the Western allies. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas criticized the U.S. decision to withdraw troops from Syria-sharp. “There is a danger that this decision is detrimental to the fight against IS and the achievements at risk,” said Maas on Twitter. “The is is pushed back, but the threat is not over yet.” As before, there are structures in the underground and the terrorists in the East of Syria, is active.

in Order to achieve a stabilization, would be security and a political order required the carrier for the future. “That’s why we work with our partners, for a political process. The leadership role must be in the United Nations.” Germany is involved since years in a military of a multi-national coalition against the IS in Syria and Iraq.

Britain and France to resist Trump

speak Also from the United Kingdom violent contradiction: The international coalition against the IS had made “great progress,” said the British foreign Ministry, “but there remains much to do”. The danger posed by the jihadists militia should not be ignored, as they remain without a territory to be a “threat”.

The French government said that they will hold on to the military presence of France in Syria. Defence Minister Florence Parly, said on Twitter that IS was not deleted “from the map”. He had to be defeated “militarily”. Also, France’s Minister for European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau, disagreed with Trump: “The fight against terrorism is not finished,” she said and pointed to the stop in Strasbourg, with five dead from the 11. December.

“betrayal of the Kurds”

Israel announced plans to intensify at a retreat of the USA, the private military activities in Syria””. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country would “continue to be very aggressive against the Attempts of Iran, in Syria is to be fixed” and “complete support of the USA to do”.

Trump had asked in March for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, but it remained at the time of the Declaration of intent. His present announcement came in Washington, a cross-party criticism. By withdrawal from Syria Trump a shame its declared objective: the influence of Iran in the Region to contain said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. “The deduction is driving these efforts and endanger our allies, the Kurds.”

democratic Senator Jack Reed accused Trump of “treason” to the Kurds, and spoke of a “further evidence” for the “inability” of the President, “on the world stage”.