It must not become a goal in itself, that the regions should be abolished.

this is the message in a feature article in Politiken, in which the pen is led by all regionsrådsformænd in Denmark.

– today is drifting it back and forth with unsubstantiated claims about the regions, writes the chairman of the Danish Regions, Stephanie ” Lose (V), and the other regionsrådsformænd Ulla Astman (S), Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (P), Anders Kühnau (S) and Heino Knudsen (S).

The five regionsrådsformænd criticise in the strongest terms the possible abandonment of the Danish regions, which can be a part of the government’s announced health care reform.

the Prime minister has several times talked about a new structure, with 21 sundhedsfællesskaber. But the thought is a threat to the health of democratic anchoring, consider the five regionsrådsformænd.

– With a directly elected regional level ensuring democratic control. If the state needs to play a greater role, there is a clear risk of a democratic deficit, writes the Politiken.

Stephanie Lose, who is the only Left-politician at the head of one of the country’s five regions, sent a clear call to hold fast in the regions after the prime minister’s new year speech 1. January.

Government contacts, the Danish people’s Party, has a clear desire to scrap the five regions.

Friday’s meeting in the Liberal party’s central executive committee at the Crowne Plaza in copenhagen. Here is a discussion of the upcoming health care reform is allegedly on the agenda.

Also the Liberal party’s 54 members of the country’s regional has criticised the party’s flirtation with regional abandonment.