Premier League club Cardiff rekordindkøb, increasing the argentinian Emiliano Sala, was aboard the small plane that on Monday disappeared on the way across The English Channel.

It confirms the French aviation authorities, according to Skysports.

the Plane was on its way from Nantes to Cardiff, when it suddenly disappeared on the authorities ‘ radar screen about 20 kilometres from the channel island of Guernsey. In addition to the pilot there was only one passenger on board the plane.

the Police on Guernsey near the French coast and sent helicopters and lifeboats to search for the plane, but had to discontinue the chase without success due to bad weather.

the Search was resumed on Tuesday without luck.

the 28-year-old Sala was on Saturday purchased the freedom of Nantes for an amount equivalent to approximately 127 million. He signed a three-and-a-half-year long contract with Cardiff, which made the Sala to the welsh club’s most expensive purchase to date.

the Premier League club from Wales expressed earlier Tuesday, concern for Emiliano Salas mode.

We are very concerned to hear the recent news that a plane has disappeared in The English Channel in the night. We are waiting for confirmation before we can say more.

– However right now we are very worried for Emiliano Salas security, says Cardiff chairman Mehmet Dalman.

An official working on the case of the vanished aircraft, comes with a sobering message about the supposed accident.

– I don’t expect to find anyone alive. I do not, however, do. We just don’t know how it (the plane, red.) has disappeared, says the head of Channel Islands Airsearch-search, John Fitzgerald to the AP.

Flyvet just disappeared completely. There was no communication over the radio, sounds from Fitzgerald

Before the switch to the Cardiff scored Sala 12 goals this season in Ligue 1. It ranks currently to a shared fifth place on the league’s high score table.