in Order to seem less daunting must the 14-year-months-old lioness “Falestine” victims clutches. The owner of the zoo Rafah Zoo in Gaza, will that it should be possible for the children to play with the lion, has more media written, including Fox New, and dyrevernsorganisasjonen Four Paws.

In Gaza, there is no vet clinic so the lion had to be operated in the zoo by the vet Fayyas al-Haddad.

– SHOULD be placed: Zoologist Petter Bøckman thinks cats are a big problem for the Norwegian fauna. He actually believes that we should rid ourselves with the pets our. It’s heavy to swallow for the product code journalist Trude Lorentzen, who also is yet for Astrid (4). Read the full story about the psychopathic monsters, we think like us:… Show more

“Falestine” was sedated and then placed on a table. The vet removed as clutches her and sewed the wounds on the paws together. After this the vet have come back to cut the claws even further down.

– We will gladly create joy for the children and at the same time increase visitor numbers, said the vet.

HELD DOWN: One of the employees keeps her head down while dyrelegen take the paws on the hind. Photo: Said Khatib / AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more

In Gaza, there are few zoos, but the competition between them is strong.

Dyrevelferdsorganisasjonen Four Paws have gone out and said that this is not the first example of the unsustainable conditions in the zoo. On Facebook, they have published the video where you can see the lion’s paws are sewn together.

– For just a couple of weeks ago died four newborn løveunger because of the unusually cold weather and lack of care.

They also state that if you remove the clutches on the big cats, it can cause a long term damage. In addition, it is natural behavior for a lion to be virtually impossible to perform.

– To eat and climb in the trees is almost impossible. And with that the operation did not happen a place with the proper equipment and sterility – is the chance of infection is also high.

SKIPPED: During a safaritur in Tanzania brought a cheetah into the car where the tourists and the guides put. Video: CNN Show more Three poachers eaten by large løveflokk