“Researchers: Trump’s lies is similar to a dictator”

“Presidents lie. Sometimes trivial lies, sometimes to save their own skins – as Bill Clinton in connection with the Lewinskyaffären and Richard Nixon during the watergate scandal.”

“But president Donald Trump’s lies have become so regular that they ended up under the researchers’ microscope. And it turns out that they differ significantly from the previous presidents.”

“Partly, it is about the volume – Donald Trump’s father with unions far more often than what past presidents have done. When newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post did reviews of Trump’s statements after his first ten months in the White House found it last over 1 600 misleading statements or lies and the second, which used a kinder definition of the lie, 103 pieces.”

“– But I don’t think that the amount is as important as the way in which he uses the lies of, ” says James Pfiffner, a professor of political science at George Mason University outside of Washington DC.”

“He has devoted several decades to the study of presidents of lies.”

“– Trump comes with claims which are blatantly untrue and that are easy to expose as lies. But it ignores he. He seems to believe that he does not have to accept the facts in the same way as all the others, ” says Pfiffner.”

“Pfiffners interest for presidentlögner was raised in the context of that president Bill Clinton lied to congress about his relationship with White house intern Monica Lewinsky. It was a lie that came to blacken the whole of Clinton’s career.”

“But when Donald Trump came to power put Pfiffner coffee in the throat. Here was a president who handled the truth so carelessly – but that time seemed to get away with it. Rather seemed the lies serve as food for his ushered a major period. Not tried to Trump, as past presidents, to smooth over or make a poodle when he was unveiled.”

“Take the help of the employees”

“In his research draws Pfiffner parallels to dictatorships. Authoritarian leaders use lies to build their power, and replace the established facts against their own version of reality, which they then imposed on the population. People close to the authoritarian leader is used to, in their willingness to loyalty, and repeat the lies until they are perceived as truths.”

“Pfiffner take an extreme example.”

“The rhetoric was part of a plan that enabled the Holocaust.”

“Trumps rhetoric is on a whole other level, but one can see these tendencies to repetition of the manipulative lies among Donald Trump’s close associates, says the professor.”

” the Dynamics are the same. Trump says something that he believes that his ushered a major period will be like, and his servants repeat it.”

“An example of this was when Trump’s former press secretary Sean Spicer claimed that the crowd at Trump’s ceremony was larger than the one at his predecessor, Barack Obama – a lie which then was defended by people close to Trump and was declared a”

“Undermining the presidency”

“– The big problem with this is that future presidents have the opportunity to do the same thing. It would be devastating.”

“All american presidents have lied – but none so much and so serious as Donald Trump, according to James Pfiffner, a professor of political science at George Mason University outside of Washington DC who has studied presidents lies in several decades.”

“for several years, claimed Donald Trump of the former president, Barack Obama was a muslim and not born in the united states, and thus lacked the right to be president. The lie led to that many voters had doubts about Obama’s birth certificate, issued in Hawaii, was real.”

“James Pfiffners comment:”

“• the Lie about Hillary and the illegal voters”

“After the presidential elections in 2016, it was clear that Donald Trump certainly won the presidency, but that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, took home the most votes. Trump lied and said that if not millions of illegal immigrants have been voting – they voted for Clinton, he claimed – as he had received the most votes.”

“James Pfiffners comment:”

“In march 2018, claimed Donald Trump during a meeting with the prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau that the united states has a trade deficit with its neighbor to the north – when in fact the opposite is true. When Trudeau corrected his colleague, Trump said that he ”

“James Pfiffners comment:”