“Retro-spy still live – in the 2000s”

“the Hidden mailboxes in the forest.”

“Secret meetings on a park bench – or fully open a restaurant.”

“The classic spy is left and is living in the midst of us.”

“once upon A time was called he Bergling, another Wennerström – what he called in the day, we do not know.”

“During the second world war, it was at the Grand hôtel in Stockholm they were, the spies.”

“Where, among diplomats, journalists and other högdjur they could make contacts and to fish for information.”

“In the day time is another.”

“Both the second world war and the subsequent cold war is over. Technology has taken giant leaps.”

“But those who believed that the classic spy, secret papers in the portfolio, was an extinct genus, think wrong.”

“Despite all the modern technology available foot-the spies left and they are in the midst of us.”

“It may be your neighbor, co-worker or maybe your brother-in-law.”

“Every year, exposed a number of people in Sweden for värvningsförsök of a foreign power.”

“There may be people in the armed forces or, for example – in the current suspected case within the Swedish high-tech industry, such as Saab and Ericsson.”

“And they are enlisted in front of all of Russia, China and Iran – the countries which are specifically mentioned by the secret service when it comes to spying in and against Sweden.”

“From a Russian point of view, Sweden is interesting because we are geographically located so near to us.”

“There is constantly the Russian spies in Sweden – and the secret intelligence work have been intensified in recent years, according to Per Thunholm, an expert on intelligence at the national defence university.”

“It’s all from that in peacetime to know what is happening here and now to the preparations for war, even if you do not have plans to enforce it,” he says.”

“But the russians also want to collect information on american technology and industry.”

“– It can be to collect information about technology that you do not know, whether it is high-tech. It may be defense mechanisms that can describe our defense capability. But it can also be purely industrial espionage, says Per Thunholm.”

“the Weaknesses and family identified”

“There is a continuous attempt to recruit new spies, or agents, as the Fbi prefers to call them.”

“To recruit agents of the highest priority for a posted an intelligence officer from Russia.”

“Enrollment is preceded by a sterling job – it is not chance that determines who you try to enlist.”

“First, it has been analysed what information you are looking for – and who has access to it.”

“The person you decide to be mapped carefully.”

“on the Basis of personal qualities, weaknesses, finances, and family situation, an assessment is if it is possible to get the person to work as a spy.”

“If the answer is yes, the approaching underrättelseofficeren to the end of its chosen victims.”

“Get the rewards and gifts”

“the Convergence can be understood as the spontaneous and random, but it is not long away.”

“If the first meeting is successful, initiates a relationship, where the prospective spy is subjected to a charm offensive. He or she – usually he – becomes, as a test, asked to hand over the documents, which are not secret.”

“In return the prospective spy gifts of all kinds.”

“With time, it can be about the years, broken the vigilance and reviewed the bottom of the chosen person and at last it is time.”

“After a long time of processing sets underrättelseofficeren his ”friend” for the subject to disclose confidential or sensitive information – something that the person might never have thought to do, before the processing began.”

“It is the crucial moment – and this is when the person becomes a spy or agent for a foreign power.”

“pre-determined meeting points”

“The secret meetings take place at pre-determined locations and times – to determine something over the phone, which can be intercepted, is out of the question.”

“the meeting places are monitored, in order to reveal any scouts from the security services.”

“Either you where no one can see one – or all see one, in places where there is just one in the crowd, but to stand out.”

“the Messages and mission is communicated, either hand to hand, through the secret mailboxes or via the encrypted data communication.”

“The one who runs the rope out risking everything; his work, his family, his entire social existence – and, of course, to be sentenced to a long prison sentence and to be regarded with contempt the rest of his life.”

“But there is rarely any grips, terrible rarely. “

“One of the most famous landsförrädarna in our time is Stig Bergling, who worked for the former Soviet union.”

“He enlisted not in the classic way – but offered his services when he, under a UN mission in Lebanon met with the Russian militärattachen Alexander Nikiforov, who in fact was an officer in the GRU, the soviet military intelligence service.”

“Bergling, sold, in 1973, a binder with a list of Sweden’s defense facilities, kustartilleribefästningar and mobiliseringsförråd, secret papers, which he copied during his work at the Försvarsstabens security department, to the Soviet union.”

“the Folder he had hidden in a safe deposit box ”for a rainy day” as he later said during the interrogation.”

“the Damage at the Swedish defence was huge – but himself he’s got ”only” 67 000 sek for the inconvenience of the GRU.”

“But like so many other spies betrayed he is not their country to become rich – but to avenge the death of his colleagues, who he did not like.”

“for several years engaged in the security service reconnaissance on Bergling, but it was the israeli secret service, which arrested him in 1979.”

“Stig Bergling was sentenced the same year in Sweden to life in prison for aggravated espionage.”

“the Tours that followed, when he ran off with his wife during a leave of absence, it was written spaltmeter.”

“Stig Bergling died in 2015, after that, in 1994, voluntarily returned to Sweden and spent the rest of his sentence, which tidsbestämdes to 23 years.”

“Became general in the Red army”

“another of Sweden’s most famous spies, colonel Stig Wennerström.”

“He also worked for the former Soviet union and the GRU.”

“unlike Stig Bergling money was his motive.”

“He had received a scholarship to study Russian in Riga, Latvia, when he was recruited.”

“In 15 years, 1948 to 1963, spied he ate the russians. For a time he was flygattaché at the Swedish embassy in Washington and had transparency in the negotiations between Sweden and the US about nuclear weapons.”

“Stig Wennerström sold practically out the whole air force stridsledningssystem to the russians – and got heavily paid for the trouble.”

“a Total of 600 000 sek.”

“Plus, he is appointed general in the Red army, which he proudly told me during the trial.”

“His betrayal cost the Swedish defence-billion.”

“was Revealed by me”

“He was arrested in 1963 after 20 years of reconnaissance. The crucial evidence, a number of reels of film, found in a sunroof in his home by his maid, Karin Rosén, known under the code-named ”Peace”.”

“the Arrest struck down as a bomb – Wennerström was a överklassnobb, with a magnificent tiorumsvilla in Djursholm.”

“Could he, a Swedish colonel with överklassbakgrund, really betray his country?”

“Stig Wennerström was sentenced to life prison for aggravated espionage, a punishment which was commuted to 20 years in prison. 1974 it was Wennerström paroled, 66 years old.”

“All of the time and had his wife waiting for him.”

“Enlisted the brother and the colleague”

“Fritiof Enbom is an odd figure in this context. He and Hugo Gjersvold was sentenced to lifetime work in 1952, having left out information about the military situation in upper Norrland to the GRU and NKVD, the soviet secret police and predecessor to the KGB.”

“If the Fritiof Enbom, who worked as a journalist on the communist newspaper, Thus, was really the spy. He acknowledged, however, that he planned to organize a femtekolonn that in the event of war would help the russians to occupy the Boden fortress. The he referred to his network of agents was a motley crowd, consisting of his brother the gardener, a book publisher, a clerk, a bangårdsarbetare and a colleague at the magazine.”

“Hilding Andersson was marinspion and was sentenced in 1951 to life in prison for supplying information to the russians about the secret defense facilities at the naval base in Karlskrona.”

“He was revealed when the Swedish security service guarded a soviet GRU officer who Hilding Andersson had contact with.”

“He didn’t spy for economic reasons – the compensation for the two years of spying was 4 530 sek.”

“It did not even cover the cost of the camera, lens and other acquris espionage kit.”

“Instead, it was his communist beliefs made him become a spy for the russians.”

“today, they are all dead.”

“But the new spies have gone – and go – in their footsteps.”

“They are still here, in the midst of us.”