Animals, The Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Florida, will its rhinos “in no way punish” after a 2-year-old child was injured when the in the stay of the animals fell. Reports that the zoo in a statement.

the day before Yesterday took the little girl and her family a visit to a popular educational moment in the zoo, where guests, under the watchful eye of dierentuinpersoneel very close to the rhinos. Visitors can see the animals, touching, petting and brushing from behind a fence.

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But the bars of that fence – steel fence posts at about 28 inches of each other – turned out to be not narrow enough to prevent the stumble peutertje in the home of the rhinos ended up. Near where some of the female rhinos were eating. the

The child was quickly by her parents out of the cage drawn, but hit or injured in the incident. It is not clear whether the injuries are only a result of the fall, or even in connection can be brought with the animals.


One of the rhinos was curious about the small human in her cage for a closer view. In addition, there was also a case of “contact,” according to the zoo. But the grey hulk hit the child only with muzzle, not with a horn. The girl makes it good, let her father to the American media know.