1989 overthrew the Ceausescu Regime in Romania. Within a few days hundreds of people died. The events were never worked up, but that should change now. A former President should Bank on the charges.

30 years after the fall of the Communist regime under the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, the dramatic and bloody events are to be processed in December 1989 before the court. General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar said, the indictment against the former President and successor, Ceausescu, Ion Iliescu, and two other high-ranking Ex-politicians had done, and the court forwarded.

In 1989, it was also in Romania, to protest against the Communist rule, the attacks, finally, on the capital, Bucharest. 22. December fled Ceausescu in front of angry protesters, but was set on the same day of the revolution forces. Three days later, he was sentenced together with his wife, Elena, from a military Tribunal to death and immediately executed.

Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena were taken in 1989, on the run, and after a short process executed. (File photo from 1984)

to clarify for Nine days in December

In process is why, even after Ceausescu’s escape to 30. December 1989 were killed in total 862 protesters by security forces. The today 89-year-old Iliescu has been accused of these days is aware of the Chaos provoked and to have victims in order to legitimise their own Power.

The investigations had already begun in 1996. Since then, the procedure was always set back and re-recorded. Recently, the Romanian Prosecutor’s office in 2016, by a judgment of the European court of human rights in Strasbourg (ECtHR) on the resumption urged. The ECHR had condemned Romania to high pain money payments to 17 Romanians, whose relatives had been killed during the bloody turning point.

What is the role of Iliescu played in the revolutionary days of 1989? This should now be investigated in a court of law.

The former head of state did not comment so far on the indictment. But his view about it is known. 2016 Iliescu had referred to yourself as innocent and on revolutionary circumstances referred to. His later successor in office, the current President Klaus Iohannis welcomed, however, the charges. The crimes of the Revolution should not go unpunished, he said.

With information from Andrea Beer, ARD-Studio Vienna

crimes against humanity? The charges against the former head of state, Iliescu
Andrea Beer, ARD Wien
08.04.2019 19:29 PM

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crime against humanity? The charges against the former head of state, Iliescu, Andrea Beer, ARD Wien |audio Atlas |Romania |Bucharest
